Navigating the Cloudscape: My Journey Migrating a Covid-19 Testing Result System to a Multi-Cloud Environment

<h1>Introduction</h1> <p>When the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe, every industry was forced to adapt rapidly. Hotels were no exception, with guest safety becoming the utmost priority. COVID-19 testing quickly became a part of standard operating procedures, necessitating a reliable, scalable, and secure system to manage testing results and certificates. Facing the limitations of an on-premises setup, I took on the challenge of migrating this crucial application to a multi-cloud environment.</p> <h1>The Challenge</h1> <p>Initially, the system ran on in-house servers. However, growing demand and the need for improved scalability and resilience called for a migration to the cloud. The task ahead involved harnessing different strengths from multiple cloud providers while ensuring uninterrupted service and data integrity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>