Tag: Disability

Starting a Disability Employee Resource Group (ERG)

Last week, I wrote about how important disability-focused employee resource groups are to creating an environment where employees with disabilities feel comfortable disclosing them and in turn helping others. This week I’m going to describe some steps to take to build or relaunch one. R...

The Best Support for Disability Work Is *with* the Disability Community

On the African continent, infrustructural inadequacies make mobility a challenge — for everybody, and that much more so for people with physical disabilities. The lack of affordable well-constructed assistive devices further heightens this problem, and well-intentioned donations...

Disability and Doctor Who

I have been a Doctor Who fan since it was brought back in its modern season in 2005. Though I didn’t truly become a fan until David Tennant became 10, there were always a few things that made me feel disconnected to any companion. Theoretically, the companion is the bridge between The Doctor a...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: disability allyship (key no9)

When it comes to inclusive leadership, every action, big or small, contributes to a more equitable and supportive environment. As we explore the 9th key in our 15-part series on inclusive leadership today, our focus shifts to yet another vital element: becoming an ally for disability. Within this...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: disability legislation (key no2)

Hello again! We’re back for week number 2 of our series on the keys to inclusive leadership. Remember the inclusive leadership handout we shared a while back? Today, we’re rolling up our sleeves to dig into the “disability legislation” key. More than just legal jarg...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: disability etiquette (key no6)

Terms like “inclusion” and “inclusivity” often buzz around leadership boardrooms and strategy meetings. But true inclusive leadership digs much deeper than simply checking off whatever diversity box organizations might hold themselves accountable to. Understanding how to beha...

Navigating the Challenges of Disability Parenting

When my 4-year-old son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, I knew life would be different, but I didn’t fully grasp how challenging the world would be for him. As my husband and I immerse ourselves in the world of disability parenting, we find ourselves fighting against physical and social barr...

My Son’s Disability Brought Out the Worst in Me

When my son Diego was school age, he always qualified for what’s known as extended school year (ESY) -essentially, summer services for students with special education programs who regress measurably over school breaks or whose disabilities are profound. Diego, who’s autist...

Is Colorblindness a Disability… or Just a Nuisance?

Color preferences are personal and open to interpretation. But some people are considered colorblind and may not even know it— at least not until someone points out their offbeat color choices. After all, how they see the world seems normal to them. I didn’t realize that my kids viewe...

Don’t Believe the Hype: 5 Misconceptions About Living with a Disability

The alarm clock goes off. My eyes are open, and I narrow my lids to a squint as the sun skids across my bed. It’s time to get up. It’s time to start my morning routine of figuring out how my body will function today. If I sit up will I be able to move the rest of my body without any pain...

Disability in the Wild

When I was in fifth or sixth grade, I remember going to the library to look for books about neurology. I walked away with a dozen textbooks that I know were way beyond my comprehension. But I began to read through them undeterred, convinced I could find a solution that no doctor had been able to fin...

I am Not a Good Mom Because My Kid Has a Disability

I really do. They usually say it in reference to my older daughter who has a disability. They usually do not have a child with a disability. I receive the comment in situations like when someone has witnessed me funnel every ounce of patience into my soul to quietly calm my kid down at a store wh...

Towards a Social-Relational Model of Digital Disability Classification

It starts with a tick box on a form. To assess the potential risk to vulnerable people, my university ethics committee asks whether a research project involves “people with a cognitive impairment, physical impairment, an intellectual disability, or a mental illness.” This category appear...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: disability allyship (key no9)

When it comes to inclusive leadership, every action, big or small, contributes to a more equitable and supportive environment. As we explore the 9th key in our 15-part series on inclusive leadership today, our focus shifts to yet another vital element: becoming an ally for disability. Within this...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: disability legislation (key no2)

Disability legislation isn’t just about following a bunch of rules. Sure, there’s legal obligation. But think of it more like a compass that guides leaders to a future where workplaces really do welcome everyone. Those laws you’ve heard about, like the Americans with Disabilities A...

Disability Inclusion within the Department of the Air and Space Force

The United States Air and Space Force is an adaptive organization that continuously improves for the benefit of its service personnel. For instance, the US Air and Space Force has recently made deliberate changes to its physical testing procedures to support a more diverse force. Due to these shifts...

Lessons on Disability Inclusion from — a Jackfruit

A jackfruit is a large tropical fruit that belongs to the mulberry family. It is the largest fruit produced by a tree and can grow to be as large as 80 pounds (36 kilograms) in weight. The jackfruit has a distinctive, spiky green exterior surrounding a pale yellow or orange flesh inside. The frui...

Beyond Simulation: True Awareness in Disability Inclusion

Disability simulations might seem like a straightforward path to understanding. By artificially experiencing the challenges faced by disabled individuals, participants presumably gain insights into their lives. However, these exercises are often superficial and can inadvertently perpetuate stereotyp...

2024: The Year of the Person With a Disability.

On December 3rd 2023, the inaugural Disability Leadership Oration aired on ABC TV. This now annual event, to coincide with International Day of People with Disability, came off the back of the recently released Disability Royal Commission final report and was orated by Disability Righ...

My Disability is Manufactured

I am in line to board a plane and there is a teen girl behind me listening to TikToks on speakerphone, the volume at full blast. An actor-turned-content creator is on the screen, reenacting how her husband empties the dishwasher. Upbeat, comical music plays with crashing and banging sound effects an...

(Re)Producing White Privilege through Disability Accommodations

During a conversation about an upcoming student teaching placement with a white, cis student teacher, the student raised concerns about teaching in a nearby urban school district. Despite repeated discussions about urban placements as centers rich with examples of cultural and linguistic wealth...

Disability Disclosure in Residency Applications

Why I am sharing? It has been important for me to share my journey and lessons learned as a medical student with a disability because I know that I’m not alone on this journey. There are thousands of other individuals just like me who are suffering in silence. When individuals struggle al...

Can Having a Pacemaker Qualify for Social Security Disability and SSI?

In today's world, medical advancements have granted individuals with various health conditions the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives. However, for some individuals, such as those reliant on pacemakers, navigating the complexities of social security disability and Supplemental Securi...

Navigating Social Security Disability Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: Navigating the intricacies of Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDB) can be overwhelming for individuals facing physical or mental challenges that hinder their ability to work. The process involves understanding eligibility criteria, application procedures, potential p...

How does an applicant’s death affect a pending SSDI application?

Navigating the intricate landscape of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be daunting, particularly when faced with the unfortunate circumstance of a loved one passing away during the application process. While the journey may seem complex, understanding the options av...

Navigating Social Security Disability: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the Social Security Disability (SSD) system can be complex and overwhelming, especially for individuals facing health challenges like sickle cell disease. Understanding the intricacies of the application process, eligibility criteria, and what to expect can greatly improve your chances of...

Do Migraines Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

As a law firm dedicated to serving individuals seeking assistance with disability claims, we understand the complexities surrounding conditions like migraines and their eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits. Migraines are not just headaches; they can be debilitating, affecting a p...

The Importance of Having an RFC Assessment in Your Social Security Disability and SSI Case

In the realm of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims, the significance of a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment cannot be overstated. As seasoned practitioners in this domain, we recognize the critical role an RFC evaluation plays in bols...

Unveiling Social Security Disability Benefits: Your Path to Support

Shoulder injuries can severely disrupt a person's capacity to work, resulting in financial strain and uncertainty about their future. In such instances, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can offer vital financial support. However, the eligibility crit...

Can You Get Social Security Disability Benefits Without The Sufficient Work Credits or Despite Being Over Resourced?

Navigating Social Security Disability Benefits can be complex, especially when facing obstacles like insufficient work credits or exceeding resource limits. This blog post delves into the eligibility criteria for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income ...

Understanding Social Security Disability Benefits for Autism Level 3

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals in various ways, impacting their social interactions, communication skills, and behavior. ASD is often categorized into three levels of severity, with Level 3 being the most severe. For individuals with aut...