A roadmap to inclusive leadership: disability legislation (key no2)

<p>Hello again! We&rsquo;re back for week number 2 of our series on the keys to inclusive leadership. Remember the&nbsp;<a href="https://inklusivcomm.activehosted.com/f/1" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>inclusive leadership handout</strong></a>&nbsp;we shared a while back? Today, we&rsquo;re rolling up our sleeves to dig into the &ldquo;disability legislation&rdquo; key. More than just legal jargon, disability legislation is a crucial aspect of creating workplaces that truly value diversity and empowerment for all.</p> <p>Disability legislation isn&rsquo;t just about following a bunch of rules. Sure, there&rsquo;s legal obligation. But think of it more like a compass that guides leaders to a future where workplaces really do welcome everyone. Those laws you&rsquo;ve heard about, like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Accessible Canada Act (ACA), and the European Accessibility Standard (EN 301 549)? They&rsquo;re not just about avoiding hefty fines and reputational damage! They also lay down a fundamental path to prevent discrimination. They shape fair workplaces. They break down barriers and build environments where diversity isn&rsquo;t just accepted, but celebrated.</p> <p><a href="https://dboudreau.medium.com/a-roadmap-to-inclusive-leadership-disability-legislation-key-no2-ab0c892716f7"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>