Disability Disclosure in Residency Applications

<p><strong>Why I am sharing?</strong>&nbsp;It has been important for me to share my journey and lessons learned as a medical student with a disability because I know that I&rsquo;m not alone on this journey. There are thousands of other individuals just like me who are suffering in silence. When individuals struggle alone they are more likely to do poorly academically, and suffer with their mental health.</p> <p><strong>Word of caution:&nbsp;</strong>This is my journey of disclosure in medicine. Disclosure is a very personal decision and everyone has the autonomy to choose whether or not to disclose. You do NOT need to do follow the same steps I took. Instead use my story to help you be informed on your decision.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@medpsycmoss/disability-disclosure-in-residency-applications-d0e2c8f36991"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>