Navigating the Challenges of Disability Parenting

<p>When my 4-year-old son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, I knew life would be different, but I didn&rsquo;t fully grasp how challenging the world would be for him. As my husband and I immerse ourselves in the world of disability parenting, we find ourselves fighting against physical and social barriers every day.</p> <p>Before Ryan&rsquo;s diagnosis, I never realized how inaccessible much of society is. Mundane activities like going to a restaurant or playground have become logistical nightmares. Are there ramps Ryan can navigate in his wheelchair? Will there be space for him once we get inside? Will my family be stared at while we are out trying to enjoy ourselves? The mental and emotional labor required to participate in the community is enormous.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>