Tag: Developers

Why Software Developers Are Silent in Meetings

Ever sat in a Sprint Retro where your Scrum Master didn’t arrive for ten minutes? I just did. We sat in silence. Ever been in a Sprint Retro where almost nobody participates? Are you thinking I just did? You’re a great blog reader if you did! Well done you! What’...

Java 21: Unleashing Exciting Updates for All Developers!

Calling all Java enthusiasts! Get ready to witness a revolution in the Java programming world with the highly anticipated release of Java 21. Building upon the groundbreaking improvements of Java 20, Java 21 introduces a plethora of captivating features and enhancements that will take your coding ex...

Snowflake Developers & Community Update — Aug 2023 Edition

Welcome to the Snowflake Developers & Community Update, a monthly blog about everything going on in the Snowflake Community! Learn about Snowflake developer programs, user groups, discussion channels, advocacy opportunities, open-source projects, and more. Let’s get started! E...

Killer Websites for Web Developers

As a front-end development engineer, you must have used many tools to increase your productivity. They can be websites, documentation, or a JavaScript library. Today I want to share with you 15 interesting websites and I am sure you will like them. 1. JavaScript Regular Expression Visualizer ...

Become An Expert: Backend Projects That Define Senior Developers

Moving from being a mid-level developer to a senior-level developer is like leveling up in a video game. You need to gather more experience points and unlock new abilities to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. In the world of backend development, it means diving into the realm of sophistic...

Doing much better than your .env file

Six months ago, I advocated for everyone to stop using .env files in favor of approaches using secret management platforms. Since then, I’ve learned and experienced much more about how to manage environment variables effectively. In this article, I argue again for why we should reduce the prac...

Must-have tools for Java developers

In this overview, I want to show you some of the tools I use daily and find very useful. Some of them are strictly related to development in Java some are more general, so even if you don’t use Java, there is a hope that you will find something interesting here! Integrated Development Envir...

15 Terrible Advice for Web Developers

Medium is full of useful articles and great advice to create robust and maintainable applications. But what If you don't like your colleagues and want to ruin their day? Then worry no more. I’m great at giving bad advice and came up with 15 tips to cause frustration and waste everyone'...

What’s Wrong With OpenAPI?

Are you happy with API documentation in your company? Almost certainly not. We weren’t by a long shot. We won’t go into the sad consequences of error-filled, outdated or non-existent API documentation, but why is this seemingly easy-to-solve issue such a big problem on so many project...

Developers Need To Enjoy The Struggle

Peyton Manning, at an early age, was seen as an NFL superstar quarterback in the making. Everyone knew he was going to make it in the NFL and be great. Tom Brady was never the first choice. He started at the bottom and fought his way up. Brady had to fight for college offers, whilst Manning had t...

Why Are Developers Still Using Angular?

Angular. The framework that has seen more seasons than your favorite TV show. While the tech world is notorious for its rapid changes and fleeting trends, Angular has managed to stick around like that catchy tune you can’t get out of your head. But why? Let’s dive deep into the reasons d...

How to Publish React Components: The Right Way

At the heart of React’s power lies its component-based architecture, which allows developers to construct intricate applications by piecing together reusable building blocks known as React components. These components encapsulate functionality, styles, and behaviors, promoting code reusab...

10 Open-Source Projects For Web Developers In 2023

Open source and devs are an open love affair that closed source doesn’t like. For those of you who don’t like declarations like that, ↓ is a set of metrics from Boston Consulting Group that should start warming you up.   Stats irrespective, if you write code for web dev, ...

How a 20 Years Experienced Programmer Earns $200k/Yr by Working 5 Hours/Week

These are the most common questions in every developer's mind. So, these questions often come up when I talk with/interview developers for my article. Different developers have different views and philosophies. You might find many insights and information in my articles. But today’s int...

10 Useful Kotlin Extension Functions for Android Developers

Thanks for showing your love for the Kotlin extension functions in the first part. I would like to share more extensions to help you improve your programming experience with Android and Kotlin. If you have not read it yet, you can check it out at the link below. 10 Useful Kotlin Extension Functio...

Top 10 Youtube channels for Flutter developers in 2023

n the year 2023, Flutter was becoming increasingly popular as a framework for developing mobile applications, and as a result, there was a growing need for high-quality resources to help developers learn and master it. This article provides a list of 10 curated YouTube channels that are considered t...

Android Developers and Accessibility — Challenges and Proposed Solutions

My current Big Project is my master’s thesis — I’m writing about Android accessibility, and my goal is to create a list of checks Android developers could use to create more accessible apps. I’m super excited about the theme, and once it’s ready, I will definitely share...

Tips for designers from mobile app developers

I want share some tips to help designers understand better on what are easy and what are hard to do for mobile developers. Photo by Visual Design on Unsplash The goal is to help us work together better. The goal is NOT to limit the creativity of the design. After all, develo...

VS Code Extensions for React Native Developers

If you are a React developer using VS Code as your primary code editor, you will probably like to take advantage of the VS Code extensions. In this article, I’ll help you choose the best VS Code extensions to improve your React development environment. Section 1: Fundamentals The ...

Why Software Developers Are Silent in Meetings

Ever sat in a Sprint Retro where your Scrum Master didn’t arrive for ten minutes? I just did. We sat in silence. Ever been in a Sprint Retro where almost nobody participates? Are you thinking I just did? You’re a great blog reader if you did! Well done you! What’...

An IMPORTANT message to ALL developers

So, I recently read this comment on one of my YouTube videos and honestly, this broke my heart! It really made me sad for a little bit and that’s the motivation behind this article. I think as a coder and especially as a Project Manager, well and most of all as your friend, it is my responsibi...

10 Productivity Techniques for Developers

Yo wassup coders! If you’re a developer, you know the challenges of staying productive. But don’t fret! Here are ten techniques to help you maximize your coding sessions. Let’s get started! 1. Set Clear Goals Knowing your destination makes the journey smoother. ...

Why Some Developers Will Never Improve

In the quickly evolving field of software development not improving is the same as falling behind. Technologies are changing rapidly and those who keep up are rewarded greatly and those who don’t quickly become outmoded. In this article, I will outline the most common ways developers fall behi...

Why developers should start their blockchain journeys with the Neo Smart Economy Blockchain

When it comes to learning and mastering blockchain technology, the focus should not merely be on the intricacies of a new programming language but on embracing an entirely new programming paradigm. While Neo may not be the most prominent name in the blockchain ecosystem, it offers unparalleled advan...

I made platform for developers to monitor their coding time.

Maintain progress and flow of your coding. My name is Sushant and in this post, I will be going to tell you about my product that I am going to release soon. This product is completely free and especially being developed for programmers like me. For the first month I have been working on a produc...

Angular: Best Practices for 2023

Angular development is known for its robustness, scalability, and performance, making it popular among web development companies and developers. Hence adopting best practices in Angular development leads to consistency, code readability, performance, maintainability, and scalability. It helps tea...

10 VS Code Extensions for Web Developers

Are you looking for some great Visual Studio Code extensions to help with your web development? Look no further! In this post, I’ll share the top 10 extensions for Visual Studio Code. These extensions can make your development process easier and more efficient. To install these extension...

Become An Expert: Backend Projects That Define Senior Developers

Moving from being a mid-level developer to a senior-level developer is like leveling up in a video game. You need to gather more experience points and unlock new abilities to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. In the world of backend development, it means diving into the realm of sophistic...

A Guide to Crafting Effective Prompts for Web Developers Using ChatGPT

Being a web developer is like riding a never-ending rollercoaster of euphoria and despair. One moment you’re on cloud nine, the next you’re screaming into the abyss of your code. Before ChatGPT came into the picture, you practically had a reserved seat in Google’s search bar, hunti...

Why Developers are Switching towards Next.js

is React’s Rule over now? You have noticed that most of the Junior (and Senior Also) Developers are switching over from React.js to Next.js. But, the main Question is why is it so ??, is Next.js provides something that others(in this blog, we are only comparing it with React.js) cannot ?? L...

Logging in Python: How to Understand and Manage Your App’s Behavior

Logging is an essential aspect of software development that helps developers understand how their code behaves. It enables them to monitor performance, resolve problems, and keep a clear record of the application’s activities. In Python, the logging module is an excellent tool that develope...

Top Open Source Paid Programs for Developers

Open source contribution refers to the act of participating in the development and improvement of open source projects. Open source projects are software, resources, or tools whose source code is publicly accessible, allowing anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute the code. Contributing to open...

Why Scrum Fails

This ubiquitous thing called “Scrum” is an oppressive tool for micromanagement. It’s all about story points and velocity. It has earned the utter contempt of developers, designers, product managers, and middle managers alike. T...

Stylus — testnet from Arbitrum developers

 Hello, here you will learn how to pass the top testnet from the Stylus project ($123M) in 3 minutes, and get a possible airdrop Guide written specifically for the community  Dory CRYPTO The passage will take you no more than 3 minutes  Join and get up-to-date information o...

Building Startups as a Developer: Learning from My Mistakes

From having no idea of what a computer was to falling in love with computers and then opting for a diploma course in Computer Science, my story was about a passionate young Nigerian trying to learn more about something he loves. Fast forward two years later, and I had learnt how to code, and just li...

Should Developers Time Track?

I have yet to meet a developer who enjoys time tracking. It has the smell of micromanagement, and seemingly adds overhead to our daily routine for reasons we don’t understand. From an organizational perspective, time tracking provides a treasure trove of data. Being able to understand where...

Developers Spend Less Than 10% of Time Coding

In this story, I will try to create a comprehensive list of all the tasks that a developer is facing in its day job, so we can understand better how they spend the time, and how we can improve their productivity. I have read some sources pointing that the time coding is around 50%, but after talk...

Is Gameplay Finally the Priority for Developers?

Videogame graphics have been on an upward quality trend for as long as games have existed. And for almost as long, they’ve been pried open and inspected by critics and audiences alike. When initial gameplay of Unrecord — the photorealistic indie FPS which viewers scarily lik...

3 Pillars to A Great Game According to Successful Game Developers

Do you want to make the next game of the year? Maybe you want to create a new cult classic, either way, there are three aspects of your game you need to have down pat. You need at least two of the three to be absolutely amazing, if not all three. These are three aspects of your game you need to c...

What Industry Leaders and 3D Developers Are Saying About OpenUSD

In the dynamic world of 3D content creation, the ability to seamlessly collaborate, share, and modify assets is unlocking new possibilities. Traditional pipelines often presented hurdles, forcing artists to wait for iterations and stifling creativity. Then came Universal Scene Description, also...

What You Need to Know About Universal Scene Description — From One of Its Founding Developers

Can the metaverse be a better ’verse? As the hype around the metaverse as a metaphor for all things futuristic coalesces into concrete efforts to enable the 3D evolution of the internet, it’s a good moment to reassess how both human beings and machine learning can reason about the scale ...

Don’t Get Left Behind: 5 Essential Linkerd Tips for Agile Developers

In the vast world of programming, staying ahead of the curve is not optional; it’s a necessity. Agile developers understand this better than anyone, and as the digital landscape evolves, they strive to leverage innovative tools to propel them towards success. One such tool is Linkerd, a powerf...

TERRAFORM for Java Developers

So your pretty good at Spring Boot Java development, have a good idea of how AWS EC2 instances work and now want to try a bit of automation to make things go smoother. I’ve always wanted to get away from the AWS Console to create an EC2 instance, in my perfect view I will just run a script ...

What’s new in Android 14 for developers

Android 14 is already here, so I took the documentation, experts’ reviews, and other available resources to sort out all the important changes that will affect most application developers. Let’s examine new restrictions on background mode, changes in Foreground Service, new restrictions ...

10 Useful Kotlin Extension Functions for Android Developers #2

Thanks for showing your love for the Kotlin extension functions in the first part. I would like to share more extensions to help you improve your programming experience with Android and Kotlin. If you have not read it yet, you can check it out at the link below. 10 Useful Kotlin Extension Functio...

Don’t Get Left Behind: 5 Essential Linkerd Tips for Agile Developers

Title: Embrace the Future: Mastering Linkerd with Skrots, the Pioneers of Agile Development Introduction: In the vast world of programming, staying ahead of the curve is not optional; it’s a necessity. Agile developers understand this better than anyone, and as the digital landscape evol...

Microsoft’s phasing out Visual Studio for MacOS, force moves developers to Visual Studio Code

I didn’t know about that, but apparently, Visual Studio was available for Mac for all these years. Well, that is about to change, because as Anthony Cangialosi from Microsoft announced yesterday, Visual Studio Mac bye bye. Source: https://visualstudio.microsoft....

Tips for Hiring the Right Software Developers in Australia (Updated in 2023)

They’re the brilliant minds behind the code that powers our digital world. They’re the ones who bring our wildest app ideas to life, and they’re the ones who keep our websites running smoothly. But let’s be honest, finding the right software developer can feel like tryi...

Tips for Hiring the Right Software Developers in Australia (Updated in 2023)

They’re the brilliant minds behind the code that powers our digital world. They’re the ones who bring our wildest app ideas to life, and they’re the ones who keep our websites running smoothly. But let’s be honest, finding the right software developer can feel like tryi...

ProHow PropTech maximises sales for property developers

For property developers, it’s vitally important to secure pre-sales off-the-plan. Now with interest rates rising, ongoing supply chain shortages and labour market squeezes, that vital sales flow has never been more critical. Teamlink is an award-winning proptech that can help. In...

The Best Slack Teams For Developers in Vancouver

We’re addicted to Slack, and no it’s not just because it’s #BCTech (Stewart Butterfield). Slack is an extremely convenient and easy way to keep tabs on the tech community, most of which also use Slack internally. At CodeCore, we use Slack to stay in touch with the 55...

3 Useful HTML/CSS Tricks For Developers (and Non-Developers) Of All Levels

Whether you’re just starting out, somewhere in between like me, are a seasoned developer, or just someone trying to further customize their blog/site, these three tricks can surely add value to your coding toolkit. Effortless Centering with Flexbox Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash ...