Why Scrum Fails

<p>This&nbsp;ubiquitous&nbsp;thing called &ldquo;Scrum&rdquo; is an&nbsp;oppressive&nbsp;tool for&nbsp;micromanagement.&nbsp;It&rsquo;s all about story points and velocity. It has earned the utter contempt of&nbsp;developers,&nbsp;designers,&nbsp;product managers, and&nbsp;middle managers&nbsp;alike. The maddening thing about it is that there are well-known solutions to all of these problems, and they can be found in a concise, 14-page document called the&nbsp;Scrum Guide.</p> <p>The Guide is pretty clear about what is and isn&rsquo;t Scrum:</p> <blockquote> <p>The Scrum framework, as outlined herein, is immutable. While implementing only parts of Scrum is possible, the result is not Scrum.</p> </blockquote> <p>Very few of us have ever actually worked on a Scrum team (as the Scrum Guide defines it), but there&rsquo;s no shortage of us who&rsquo;ve worked in&nbsp;Scrum cargo cults.</p> <p>There is no virtue in following Scrum in and of itself.&nbsp;<em>Agility</em>&nbsp;is important, but Scrum is just one way to achieve that. But almost everyone who &ldquo;adopts Scrum&rdquo; removes crucial elements that make it work before they begin even a single sprint. This isn&rsquo;t about a religious devotion to the chapter and verse of the Scrum Guide, but simply understanding how it works. That&rsquo;s why we use the metaphor of a cargo cult, because we end up mimicking the outward appearance of the system while removing the vital pieces that would make it work.</p> <p>This raises a deeper question, then: why is it that we all follow a process called Scrum, and yet no one actually follows the process that the Scrum Guide defines as Scrum?</p> <p>There are many problems that arise in agile transformations, but I find two passages from the Scrum Guide that come up particularly often</p> <p><a href="https://betterprogramming.pub/why-scrum-fails-ac92cab05c6a">Visit Now</a></p>