Developers Need To Enjoy The Struggle

<p>Peyton Manning, at an early age, was seen as an NFL superstar quarterback in the making. Everyone knew he was going to make it in the NFL and be great.</p> <p>Tom Brady was never the first choice. He started at the bottom and fought his way up. Brady had to fight for college offers, whilst Manning had to tell colleges they weren&rsquo;t in the running.</p> <p>Software developers are never Payton Manning&rsquo;s or superstars when they start as junior developers. Software development is a skill; you get better by making software and building your knowledge.</p> <p>Junior developers start knowing almost nothing with no experience doing it. Everything is difficult to begin with and you learn by making mistakes and avoiding making them again.</p> <p>Software developers are Tom Brady. They have to fight for everything they get and earn every promotion.</p> <p>Brady&rsquo;s career and path to success should be an inspiration to every developer; when you enjoy the struggle, you can improve fast.</p> <p>Developers with the mindset of enjoying the struggle and being motivated by proving themselves will be better equipped to deal with the difficulties of creating software.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>