Android Developers and Accessibility — Challenges and Proposed Solutions

<p>My current Big Project is my master&rsquo;s thesis &mdash; I&rsquo;m writing about Android accessibility, and my goal is to create a list of checks Android developers could use to create more accessible apps. I&rsquo;m super excited about the theme, and once it&rsquo;s ready, I will definitely share the results on my blog.</p> <p>One of the main theoretical themes in the thesis is how Android developers implement accessibility and what challenges prevent them from doing so. Research also provides some solutions to these challenges.</p> <p>In this blog post, we&rsquo;ll first look through some of the challenges Android developers face (although these are common for other types of development as well) and then discuss proposed solutions.</p> <h1>The Challenges</h1> <p>Let&rsquo;s first look at the challenges developers face. I&rsquo;ve listed all the resources used in the&nbsp;Resources section. The list has three studies about Android developers, their accessibility knowledge, and their willingness and readiness to develop accessible apps.</p> <h1>Not Knowing About Accessibility and Lack of Awareness</h1> <p>The first problem I want to mention is that Android developers often lack accessibility knowledge. This lack of familiarity varies &mdash; for some, it&rsquo;s total unawareness, but for most, it shows as problems understanding the exact needs of disabled users.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>