Tag: Crazy

Your Sense of ‘Self’ is Driving You Crazy

Ilooked at the message on my phone and thought, “Oof. That’s embarrassing.” The email from my colleague, sent an hour earlier, asked, “Are we still meeting?” I had totally forgotten about this meeting. Adrenaline rushed. Self-recrimination played. Groveling apologies...

Don’t stop doing you because people think your crazy.

There is nothing I find more pathetic and sad then that a group of stupid, cowardly human beings will do their best to bring down a smart and courageous one. When outright ridicule, shaming, and laughter doesn’t work to achieve their dark objective, then they resort to their trump card(not ...

Did Anyone Else Notice The Steep Rise Of “New York Crazy?”

God help me, I love New York, but I hate the idea of ever living there again. Being in the underground rave scene there has shown me a very seriously scary side of the city. It’s a scene where people get unhinged quite a bit — and yes, that includes me. New York City can be a dream to...

Crazy Cold War Escapes Across The Berlin Wall

On September 16, 1979, two families, the Strelzyks and the Wetzels, made a daring escape from East Germany in a homemade hot air balloon. The Strelzyks and Wetzels had been working on the balloon for a year, using scraps of cloth and a gas-powered engine from an old sewing machine. The balloon ...

Becoming a Crazy Dog Lady

In Week 30, I agreed to dog sit for two small critters in the nearby neighborhood of Principe Real. Being slightly allergic to dogs and having asthma, this seemed like a stupid idea on my part. Alas, I could not leave the little darlings alone so I packed a bag and headed to the bus stop. The dog...

Was Nero Really A Crazy Emperor?

The first and most famous accusation towards Nero is that of being a horrible person, even before being a bad emperor. The ancient historian Suetonius has no kind words in describing his personality. Nero is depicted not only as evil but also as crazy, lustful, greedy, and cruel. Not, indeed, a p...

Shrine of the Times — Part 5. The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy

As I mentioned in Part 1, I am a rambler. My stories have always traveled from mind to a page at odd angles and in strange configurations; that’s on me. I am also writing this in real-time, being propelled one way or another by your comments, notes, and other means of expression: you say ...

Shrine of the Times — Part 3. Crazy Wisdom

I just did a search on Google for “Crazy Wisdom,” and a bazillion hits returned as a list of bullshit a mile long. (Hey, that’s Google for everything searched, eh?) That search result list contained books, commentaries, documentaries, websites, photos, and videos of the man I am ta...

Abortion: That’s A You Problem

The desperation to belong will make you commit crazy acts. Like willingly walking into a polling booth and punching the hole next to Trump. When I married my husband, I became what I needed to be to create and maintain the family I wanted. I wholly committed to it — grew into it — for...

You Aren’t Crazy, You’re Awakening

It’s easy to feel like you’re going crazy when you’re going through a spiritual awakening. Everything you’ve known or were taught to believe is being questioned and you’re gaining a sense of understanding that shows you a lot of painful truths about yourself and others....

Crazy Making

Along with countless others, I grieve for the lives lost to a deranged gunman in Maine. But Grieving is not enough. While I certainly didn’t want the tragedy to occur, the State of Maine could have foreseen it. Indeed, the State essentially made it inevitable. With virtually no restrictions...

How A Doctor Ran a Tech Startup While Working 80 Hour Weeks

Angela: Yes, it’s pretty crazy. So I trained as a doctor at UCL in London for six years, and then went on to work in the National Health Service for another two years. When I was young I was quite into programming, and while I was in medical school I started picking up iOS development, be...

The Crazy Story of How I Manifested $10,000 in a Month

Manifesting wealth and opportunities had always seemed like an elusive concept to me. I watched others effortlessly attract abundance into their lives, while I struggled to grasp the secret behind it. One morning, as I doom scrolled on Facebook, I found myself targeted by an ad for Mind Valley ad...

Those Crazy Drug Names

Here are two things people are likely to say when I tell them I create names for a living: “Wow, really? Sounds like a lot of fun!” “Do you make up those crazy drug names?” To #1, I reply honestly that, like most professions, name development is often fun and alw...