How A Doctor Ran a Tech Startup While Working 80 Hour Weeks

<p><strong>Angela:&nbsp;</strong>Yes, it&rsquo;s pretty crazy. So I trained as a doctor at UCL in London for six years, and then went on to work in the National Health Service for another two years. When I was young I was quite into programming, and while I was in medical school I started picking up iOS development, because I really wanted to make medical apps that could make our lives slightly easier. Then as I got more and more into it, I sort of felt &ldquo;Hey, wait a minute. I enjoy this a lot more than my day job, so what am I doing here?&rdquo; [laughter] And also, the NHS, for those of you who don&rsquo;t know, is complete wasteland for tech. I mean, we&rsquo;re still faxing in this day and age. And not just faxing, but you fax somebody, and then you call them to make sure that they got the fax, and then you e-mail them a hard copy. And I&rsquo;m thinking most of the jobs that I&rsquo;m doing could probably be replaced with a few lines of code, and that was really frustrating. So yes, it&rsquo;s a big jump, but a very good one.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: pretty Crazy