Was Nero Really A Crazy Emperor?

<p><strong>The first and most famous accusation towards Nero is that of being a horrible person</strong>, even before being a bad emperor. The ancient historian Suetonius has no kind words in describing his personality.</p> <p>Nero is depicted not only as evil but also as crazy, lustful, greedy, and cruel. Not, indeed, a person you would like to be friends with.</p> <p>Well, at least apparently. Where&rsquo;s the trick here, you say? Suetonius and the other most famous historians &mdash; Cassius Dio and Tacitus &mdash; were all aristocrats.&nbsp;<strong>Nero&rsquo;s politics was centered around the needs of the lowest classes, not the highest ones</strong>. Combine this fact with Nero&rsquo;s hate towards the senate, and you have your motivation for his biographers&rsquo; hostility.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@fsacchi/was-nero-really-a-crazy-emperor-84642be723c5"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Crazy Emperor