Tag: color

How to make your own color palettes

Working with color is hard. No argument there, but do you know what’s even harder? Pairing colors together. Think about the last time you built a color palette from scratch. What was your process? How did it look? If you answered with a visible *shrug* then keep reading. We covered the basi...

Color Psychology: 3 Core Questions to Making Better Art

Colors have the ability to evoke emotions, communicate messages, and influence our perceptions. By strategically employing colors in your illustrations, you can effectively convey specific moods, enhance storytelling, and captivate your audience. For example, I created the illustration above in the ...

Color Theory with Joy and Friends: White

White is Joy’s guidance throughout her journey, seen all along our story. Our white has a slight pink in it, hinting to the childlike wonder and curiousity of pink that Joy embodies. White is the color of illumination, simplicity, and new beginnings, all which you experience in the book....

Which color background is best for portraits?

Good portrait shots highlight your subject above all else, and the background color you choose helps convey the mood and tone of your photo. But how do you know which portrait background color is the best and why? Let’s start by taking a look at different color options and how you can use t...

“Color Vibration” in Spanish

Hours and hours later, here I am publishing this text to undo this hibernation; this short break. The book above was published in 2022 in Ópera Editorial (my first book): an anthology of Lgbtqia+ short stories. Without wasting any time, in 2023 I submitted my project for the call for trans...

Advancing Leaders of Color

Fourteen Fellows, representing organizations in the Enterprising Ventures of Color (EVC) cohort, are committed to an 18-month process that includes personalized executive level coaching, socially and culturally tailored technical assistance, and power-building strategies to disrupt systems of inequi...

The skin color and complexion of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

Azhar means that he had a white complexion mixed with redness; Ibn Hajar said, “Azhar means white imbued with redness. This was explicitly mentioned in another hadeeth by Anas as well, which was reported by Muslim, Sa’eed ibn Mansoor, At-Tayaalisi, At-Tirmithi and Al-Haakim, and it ...

4 Meetups That Helped Me Grow as A Woman of Color in Tech

I took a leap and left my full-time job as an email marketer, to work to pursue software engineering! This summer I kicked off my engineering career as a Full Stack Engineering Intern at Meetup with the Meetups at WeWork team; we are responsible for allowing organizers to seamles...

Color of Authority:

It feels awkward telling true stories from behind the scenes that the general public would never know, but it also feels good to get these things off of my chest as a release. Being a police officer for so many years and having to keep stories, feelings and emotions bottled inside can take its toll ...

Should We Be Color Blind or Race-Focused?

Then came Colourblindness: Why don’t we just ignore everyone’s race? Wouldn’t that solve the racism problem? If you treat everyone equally you aren’t treating anyone poorly because of their race. And for a time it was Good. Then came a hyper-focus on race: wokeism, DEI,...

What Color Pants go With Brown Shirt?

When it comes to fashion, creating the perfect outfit is all about mastering the art of combination. A brown shirt is a versatile and timeless piece in anyone’s wardrobe, but the question remains: what color pants go best with it? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various pa...

Wearing Color with Confidence

Why must we even need to build the confidence to wear color? I think this question warrants a deeper exploration. In years past, the prevailing trends in the fashion world circulated around the “clean girl” aesthetic, emphasizing essentials in basic colors. What I noticed with this trend...

Color Harmony: Unlocking the Perfect Pairing of Hair Color and Clothes

Choosing the right combination of hair color and clothes can significantly enhance your overall appearance, creating a harmonious and visually pleasing look. Just like a carefully composed painting, the right color palette can highlight your features and express your style. In this blog, we’ll...

Unlocking Your Style Superpower: Unveiling the Magic of Color Analysis

Color season: Color analysis often divides people into different “color seasons” based on their undertones and overall skin tone. These seasons include spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season is associated with a specific color palette that complements and harmonizes with an indi...

3 of the best color combinations

Green, in its lush variety, brings a touch of nature and vitality to any ensemble. It’s a color that can range from the softness of sage to the depth of forest green. Imagine a caramel trench coat, its fabric flowing and luxurious, layered over a soft green cashmere sweater. The contrast is...

OOTD: Thinking about color theory today.

I spent some time today thinking about color theory — specifically personal colors. Very specifically, I tried to parse out why I’m a spring and not an autumn. And lucky you! I’m going to share what I learned. First though, I’ll share what I wore today. Just in case my rab...

Which acids are suitable for SKIN OF COLOR.

So let’s start. If you have read my previous post, you would know I have been diagnosed with PCOS and so I suffer with acne. I normally would speak to my dermatologist for help, but this is something I have started doing now. Previously I would just ask people for help or use products that ...