Which color background is best for portraits?

<p>Good portrait shots highlight your subject above all else, and the background color you choose helps convey the mood and tone of your photo.</p> <p>But how do you know which portrait background color is the best and why? Let&rsquo;s start by taking a look at different color options and how you can use them to create the best portraits possible.</p> <h1>A perfect background for every photograph.</h1> <ul> <li><strong>Black</strong>&nbsp;backgrounds convey a serious and dark mood. Black is best when used for photographing a solo subject. It&rsquo;s the perfect background color for headshots, along with both white and gray. Black is considered an elegant and stylish choice because of its ability to make bright colors stand out. Not to mention it&rsquo;s an easier background color to master if you&rsquo;re going for pure color accuracy in your subject.</li> </ul> <p><a href="https://news.smugmug.com/which-color-background-is-best-for-portraits-678f1a33a2ee"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>