Tag: Civilization

The Dawn Of A Digital Civilization

The Virtual City: Tech Titans’ Grand Vision for a Digital Metropolis The Metaverse and Omniverse projects seek to transform the Digital Environment into a virtual urban landscape. But will these grand visions succeed? Were tech titans like Mark Zuckerberg and Jen-Hsun Huang striving to crea...

The Riddle of C.L.R. James, Classical Athens, and American Civilization

Many are troubled or have difficulty understanding the meanings of CLR James’s meditations on Classical Athens and his study of American civilization. Far more important than whether antiquity and modern societies consistently embody profound philosophical values is what are our own democrati...

Denialism and the Mental and Moral Collapse of Western Civilization

Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S. Supposedly. Thanksgiving? Well … not so much anymore. While I am personally still safe and outwardly ‘comfortable’ — for now — my baseline mental and emotional health seem to be … slipping. F...

Oldest Amazonian Civilization

AAAS: “Laser mapping reveals oldest Amazonian cities, built 2500 years ago.” Over the last 2 decades archeaologists have conclusively shown the Amazon was home to complex societies long before the European colonizers arrived, but now a dnese network of interconnected cites in Ecuador&rsq...

Investigate the Mysteries of an Ancient Civilization at Tartessos

Tartessos emerges from the shadows of prehistory, its precise origins shrouded by millennia of passage. Tartessos, which is thought to have flourished between the 9th and 6th centuries BCE, precedes several well-documented ancient civilizations, complicating efforts to identify its origins. Theories...

The Lesser-Known Ancient Civilization Which You Have Probably Never Heard Of

In1979, just before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, a struggling archaeologist made a spectacular find. He found huge piles of gold in the graves of nomads in Northern Afghanistan. The burials were over four thousand years old, dating from the second and third millennia B.C. It would be a ...

The Mycenaean civilization

For the Greeks of the Archaic and Classical periods, Mycenae and the civilization associated with it, known as the Bronze Age, represented a kind of reference past. It was linked to the exploits of heroes such as Achilles, Agamemnon, or Odysseus. These warriors seemed to have lived in close proximit...

Is a More Advanced Civilization an Oxymoron?

As a kid, I dreamed of sinking into a bathtub full of dark chocolate and consuming it. The dream lost its appeal when I realized that the experience would be harmful for my health. Indeed, what attracts us may harm us. Flies are attracted to lamps and find their death there. Our civilization is addi...

If An Advanced Civilization Existed Millions Of Years Ago, Would We Be Able To Find Traces Of It?

This wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary, if it weren’t for the fact that the two scientists are reptilian, and the bones are human. Later in the show, the two scientists come across the crew of Voyager and get in contact with them. After a DNA analysis, their hypo...

We Are Probably Not The “Top Gun” Civilization

I explained that the framing of Fermi’s question is arrogant, akin to a person who stays at home and wonders “Where is everybody?”, without investing effort in the search for partners. The search for extraterrestrials should be an unapologetic component of mainstream research in ph...

The haunting “Type IV Civilization”: Do you believe in it?

Let’s talk today about technology, about worlds beyond ours, and touch a bit on utopia, science fiction, but also a possible reality that invites us to reflect more than once. Do you believe in more advanced civilizations than ours? In a way, denying the existence of other planets and oth...

We Are Probably Not The “Top Gun” Civilization

I explained that the framing of Fermi’s question is arrogant, akin to a person who stays at home and wonders “Where is everybody?”, without investing effort in the search for partners. The search for extraterrestrials should be an unapologetic component of mainstream research in ph...

Pyramids of Atlantis: Unlocking the mysteries of an ancient civilization

Among the most intriguing human legends, pyramids stand for one of the world’s many secrets and enigmas. These enormous monuments, which have a history spanning thousands of years and stunning architecture, have captured people’s attention throughout history and left many unsolved questi...

Cyclic-Civilization Theory: How Antediluvian Megaliths Seeded Modern Civilization

Given the literally dozens of views my first article garnered, I figured the world needed more. I stand by that first article, while conceding of course, that errors likely exist within it, while holding, that the overarching idea is true. That Gobekli Tepe stone works depict primitive Egyptian h...

Golden Lies: How Lying (and Catching Lies) Drove Human Evolution, Sparked Language, and Kindled Civilization

Social media is spreading lies, hatred, and chaos. Wars are destroying eastern Ukraine and Gaza. Democracy is in retreat around the world. Widespread violence is imaginable after the 2024 election. Why is this happening now? Have similar periods occurred in the past? The human cerebral cortex ...

Spanish conquest of Peru: The annihilation of an entire civilization

This phenomenon, whose name was coined by Alfred Crosby[2], is considered to be one of the most exploratory historical events and it triggered Europe’s shift towards industrialization and capitalism. The threat of the Ottoman Empire and the barriers in the eastern trade routes caused by them m...