Tag: Broken

Why Grinding Leetcode is Not Broken

There’s been a lot of discussions recently about how “grinding” leetcode is not the best way to become a better programmer and is a waste of time. Many people seem to believe that if you concentrate all of your effort on practical applications and avoid studying data structure and ...

Most important front line broken!

Now Ukraine also officially confirms: The Russians’ most important line of defense on the southern front has been breached! This is what Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi told the British Guardian. Ukrainian forces have broken through the first line of Russian defenses near Zaporizhia....

Tears And Broken Bonds: The Year My Daughter Left Me

Victoria was only supposed to stay with Micah’s sister in Orlando for a few weeks while I got my life “straightened out.” The decision was made without me when I was on my way to a psychiatric hospital and, once I got there, the plan had already been set in motion. Before I went...

How Everything Broken Will Be Fixed

Ifyou’ve paid close attention, you’ll have noticed that since COVID-19 first arrived three years ago, everything has changed. Or, more accurately, everything has begun to change. I’m referring to where and how we work, live, learn and socialize; what we value and thu...

Tears And Broken Bonds: The Day My Daughter Forgot Me

Six months had passed since I’d seen my baby girl. I thought about Victoria every day, but I hesitated to call because I’d have to deal with Rebecca, the aunt who had taken my daughter during my mental health crisis. Even though I regretted letting her go, at the time I was in no conditi...

A letter to the broken hearted

Hey warrior! How are you? Heard about you lately. What has happened? This is just a quick reminder. Life is beautiful my dear Soul. You are an overcomer!! I know you will overcome this problem too. Never doubt yourself. You have done it in the past several times. Do you know, you ar...

Recovering From Broken Commitments

When it comes to commitments, making the commitment is only one part of the equation. Delivering on that commitment and maintaining good commitment hygiene along the way completes the formula. We are accountable when we can abide by these guidelines in our working relationships.&...

The Last of Us Part 1 on PC is Broken and Beautiful

After more than a decade of staying exclusive to the PlayStation consoles, developer Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us has finally arrived on PC, embracing all the best and the worst aspects of the platform. The game released on PC two weeks ago, and I got a review code on launch day. So ...

Broken achievements & trophies should not still be a thing

Picture this, you’ve just completed an entire playthrough of a game on the hardest difficulty setting without dying or restarting a checkpoint, it’s been a 16-hour slog. Having failed several times prior, finally you’ve emerged triumphant. You take a breath as the credits roll a...

Can a Broken LCD Screen be Fixed Without Replacing?

If you are having some issues with the display of your phone or have broken the cell phone LCD screen, then you are not alone. Can a broken screen be repaired or do you need to replace it with a new one? Here’s everything you need to know about fixing a broken cell phone screen. We all ha...

The Broken Greenwashing Technology Undermining COP28

Sometimes, a turn of phrase makes all the difference. The sentence “Let’s eat, Grandma” and “Let’s eat Grandma” have very different meanings. If you pay attention to COP28, you will catch a similar spin. Rather than calling for the phase-out of fossil fuels, which...

The Broken Greenwashing Technology Undermining COP28

Sometimes, a turn of phrase makes all the difference. The sentence “Let’s eat, Grandma” and “Let’s eat Grandma” have very different meanings. If you pay attention to COP28, you will catch a similar spin. Rather than calling for the phase-out of fossil fuels, which...

Buddhist Methods for Mending a Broken Heart.

Especially during breakups, Buddhist philosophy has assisted me with moving on. The Buddha didn’t directly speak of breakups, but the methods he suggested are applicable in the area of love and relationships. What I have found intriguing about these methods is the ability to use them at any...

Fixing The Broken Rung

Have you ever asked for a promotion and been told, “you don’t have the experience” or “you need to prove yourself first”? If you’re a woman, I’m going to guess that has happened to you at least once in your career. And if it hasn’t, it may be becaus...

How To Make Improving Diversity and Inclusion at Work More Than a Broken Resolution

What are your working aims for the new year? Many organisations will want to improve their diversity and inclusion practices, and rightly so. There are very good reasons for this. A diverse workforce, by its very nature, brings a mix of strengths and experience, which is a huge asset. Employees t...

Wet Clothes and a Broken Tree: Victor’s Potential Role in Mackie’s Vanishing. | True Crime

Just past midnight, 27-year-old Mackie, her younger cousin Keith, and a man named Victor John Louie left a house party. Their initial aim was seemingly harmless: to retrieve unused roofing tin for a local elder. Yet, as is common in true crime tales, a seemingly harmless aim veered into something mo...

When an Emotionally BROKEN Man is Using a Woman, He’ll Show These Signs!

So, the man you’re with might not treat you right, but you can’t quite understand why? It’s a tough spot, and it’s something many of us face at some point. Hi, I’m Matthew Coast. In my travels around the world and through my work with people in their relationships, I&rs...

Mending The Broken Pieces: Reclaiming My Relationship With My Daughter

Victoria left me on her fifth birthday. Circumstances compelled me to move into a halfway house due to my opiate addiction, which was instigated by my former husband introducing me to pills. Struggling to make ends meet, my daughter and I had found ourselves relying on the generosity of one of my fr...

The Broken Healthcare System in America and the Rise of Fake Pharmaceuticals in the Black Market

While the flaws in the American healthcare system are widely known, an huge public health concern often overlooked is the rise of fake pharmaceuticals in the black market. The broken healthcare system, marked by high costs and limited access, has created a breeding ground for illegal activities that...