Tears And Broken Bonds: The Year My Daughter Left Me

<p>Victoria was only supposed to stay with Micah&rsquo;s sister in Orlando for a few weeks while I got my life &ldquo;straightened out.&rdquo; The decision was made without me when I was on my way to a psychiatric hospital and, once I got there, the plan had already been set in motion.</p> <p>Before I went to the hospital in the first place, I was very close to suicide. The little cottage that Victoria and I lived in was cute, but the loneliness I felt there was unshakable. The place was on a dirt road behind another family&rsquo;s house who decided to rent the tiny cottage to me. I didn&rsquo;t see my landlords very often, and pretty soon I felt like I was completely alone in the world except for Victoria.</p> <p>I&rsquo;d also split up from my husband, Micah, around this time. Even though I was glad to be away from him, it only added to my isolation. Add to that a severe episode of depression with constant negative thoughts in my head about myself, and that&rsquo;s the state I was in when I called my best friend, Susan, and hinted that I wished killing myself would stop my pain.</p> <p>Victoria was only three years old at the time. I always did what I could to make sure her needs were taken care of, but I knew it wasn&rsquo;t enough. I believed that seeing me in bed and crying all day were affecting her negatively, and that belief turned into the awful certainty that she&rsquo;d be better off without me in her life.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/ellemeno/tears-and-broken-bonds-the-year-my-daughter-left-me-4716c274d9ed">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Broken Bonds Left