Tears And Broken Bonds: The Day My Daughter Forgot Me

<p>Six months had passed since I&rsquo;d seen my baby girl. I thought about Victoria every day, but I hesitated to call because I&rsquo;d have to deal with Rebecca, the aunt who had taken my daughter during my mental health crisis. Even though I regretted letting her go, at the time I was in no condition to fight for either of us.</p> <p>Victoria was only supposed to be with Rebecca for three weeks, but Rebecca and her husband gave my daughter her own room complete with furniture and a big fluffy bed. She sent me pictures of the room as well as Victoria all dressed up in fancier clothes than I could have ever afforded to give her.</p> <p>Her father, Micah, continued to harass me every day since the day Victoria left. At first, he gloated that more people were &ldquo;on his side&rdquo; than on mine, but I let him know I didn&rsquo;t care and didn&rsquo;t think it was a competition. Since that tactic didn&rsquo;t work, he started calling and emailing about how we should team up and get Victoria back.</p> <p>I tried not to listen to him, but the thought of getting my daughter back was exactly what I wanted, and he knew it. Micah suggested that we would have a better chance if we were under the same roof again, and my heart was so broken that I believed him.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/ellemeno/tears-and-broken-bonds-the-day-my-daughter-forgot-me-af987d8f1344"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bonds Broken