Broken achievements & trophies should not still be a thing

<p>Picture this, you&rsquo;ve just completed an entire playthrough of a game on the hardest difficulty setting without dying or restarting a checkpoint, it&rsquo;s been a 16-hour slog.</p> <p>Having failed several times prior, finally you&rsquo;ve emerged triumphant. You take a breath as the credits roll and await the on-screen notification to say the associated trophy or achievement has been unlocked for your endeavour &mdash; yet nothing happens.</p> <p>This infuriating scenario, unfortunately, has become a common occurrence for gamers of all platforms over the last decade. With trophies treated as an afterthought by many studios, an overriding attitude of &lsquo;tough luck&rsquo; comes from the top.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s why this shouldn&rsquo;t still be happening in 2023.</p> <h1>What&rsquo;s the point of achievements &amp; trophies?</h1> <p>To the uninitiated, achievements (Xbox) or trophies (PlayStation) are accolades for completing specific objectives within a certain title, and all have them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>