Tag: Break

Break Your Chains: The Liberating Power of Defying Conventional Wisdom

Once in a while, we encounter ourselves imprisoned by the stout chains of conventional wisdom, the societal norms we’ve grown to accept as unchallengeable laws. However, on choosing to confront this wisdom, to shatter these shackling chains, an exhilarating force of liberation awaits. Let&rsqu...

My Midlife Crisis Theater Break

Today I joined a community theater group for the first time in my life. I have always been a fan of films, in fact, one of my first dreams was to be a movie star. When I grew older and realized I was not attractive enough for the big screen, I didn’t pursue acting or even bother to take a clas...

City break: Amsterdam

Alright, so this summer I went on an epic trip in Amsterdam for the first time and went back already mid August! From the cool canals to the artsy museums, here’s my lowdown on the city of bikes, bridges, and maybe a few brownies. HITLIST OF PLACES Body Worlds Museum You know you&...

The Beginning of My Psychotic Break Is Posted On My TikTok

So, sometime in 2021 I decided to say “fuck it” and join in on the fun being had on TikTok. I was desperately unemployed and grappling with the demands of real-life adulthood, coming lukewarmly off the heels of my “final year of uni”, just having moved to East London towar...

002/731–20 Aug 2023 ) A short break

Even though I was tired finishing a long journey yesterday, woke up early in the morning. When I worked from home in Tokyo, I woke up five minutes before starting work. However, I woke up at 6:30 am without alarm! I have to do some tasks but I wasn’t able to do them because of Sunday, so I ...

The Break Room

You had a rough semester at university? Your boss at work annoying you? Or you just want to smash a few things to get some anger out? Well this is exactly what Josh and myself would recommend for you. For Josh’s 20th birthday we decided to surprise him with a trip down to “The Break R...

Please put your phone away, I’m trying to enjoy my Spring Break

I never thought I’d be jealous of my elders because of how advance the world is now. I never realized how wrong I was about that until now. The accessibility we as individuals have to one another is something older generations could only dream of. Our desire to always be in the now has it i...

World’s 1st Motor Racing Event Had A 90 Mins Lunch Break

Inthe 1890s, cars were still a relatively untested technology. Various steam-powered contraptions had been chugging along the roadways since the late-18th century, but more lightweight, driver-friendly vehicles had only arrived on the scene as recently as 1886 when German inventors Karl Friedrich Be...

Homeless in RVs Near SF State Get Short Reprieve, But Years-Long Cluster Must Soon Break Up

With more than 100 people living for years in RVs and cars near San Francisco State University, SF homeless officials said in 2021 they would find a safe site for those people on the city’s west side. That search has come to nothing. Yesterday, pressure came from an unlikely source: ...

The Tax Break No One Knows About

Back in the early 1970’s a group of wealthy home owners from Augusta, Georgia lobbied Congress to exempt from federal taxes the income they received from renting their mansions to the players and fans during the famed golf tournament held once annually in that beautiful southern city. Some of ...

Seven steps to break away and finally get the life we deserve

Clearly there is no sense in pursuing a life that takes for one to grow up and learn some essentials for the first 25 years, only to be toiling and moiling for the next 45, and finally be submitted to gradual deterioration, if not decomposition, of the body-mind, for the final part of it (if one is ...

When did the cultural unity of the Mediterranean break?

the widespread Islamization and the settlement innorth Africa of tribes originating in Arabia occured a total cultural change, making these lands totally foreign to the ancient classical culture.The same happened even in south Spain. Battle of Poitiers. The Muslim advance into the heart of Eu...

Give Grandma a Break

Thankfully, our friends and community around here had no issues. We live in a liberal blue bubble, and some days, it seems more tweens than not are playing with gender norms by selecting new names and pronouns. So Nico was no outlier. My family was also accepting — perhaps questioning (to m...

Hands-on the desk with First Break Picking

First break picking is a task of tracking a time when a receiver starts to record a meaningful signal from a source. It is one of the initial steps of the seismic processing pipeline, and only the knowledge of first break times allows one to model the velocities and thicknesses of the first lay...

When You Need to Take a Break

In the age of mental health awareness, it has become ever more important to know how to rest, relax, recover, and rejuvenate. Some of the latest statistics about our lives well-being are quite staggering. Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash Workplace stress costs the US economy a...

Rats May Have Just Shown us How To Break Addictions

Addictions have always been associated with the drug or behavior itself, however, rats may have just shown us that this isn’t true. In traditional studies on addiction, rats were placed in isolated cages with two water bottles- one containing plain water and the other laced with a drug like...

Your Shoes Can Make or Break Your Workout

Nowhere else can the importance of proper shoes be seen than when running. Running and jogging are two of the most common types of exercise, which is why nearly every gym around the world has at least a handful of treadmills. Runners don’t need too much stability when doing a low-intensity wo...

How to Get Back to Language Learning After a Long (Involuntary) Break

“I don’t believe that language learning is about talent. It’s about consistently building a habit over time, being clear about what your goals are, and perseverance.” — Olly Richards interviewing Lingoda’s Mike Shangguan on the StoryLearning podcast Have you e...