Hands-on the desk with First Break Picking

<p><strong>First break picking</strong>&nbsp;is a task of tracking a time when a receiver starts to record a meaningful signal from a source. It is one of the initial steps of the seismic processing pipeline, and only the knowledge of first break times allows one to model the velocities and thicknesses of the first layers of the earth. You can find more details on this stage in the seismic processing pipeline in our previous&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/data-analysis-center/seismic-processing-the-earth-shattering-truth-92dddee89f43" rel="noopener"><em>feature</em></a>. Usually, it requires&nbsp;<em>months</em>&nbsp;of painstaking manual work from an experienced geologist to carry out picking of the whole survey.</p> <p>If you have been following us closely, you probably know we&rsquo;ve already touched on this task and discussed why conventional methods aren&rsquo;t enough for success. We captured the working principle of auto pickers and why even 1D UNet can handle the task of first break picking (or&nbsp;<strong>FBP</strong>) substantially better. For more details, please follow this&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/data-analysis-center/advancing-the-first-break-picking-with-neural-networks-4d7ea2ea7c2" rel="noopener"><em>link</em></a>. Now it&rsquo;s time for us to introduce our&nbsp;<strong>2D</strong>&nbsp;first break picking approach based on a&nbsp;<strong>linear moveout correction</strong>&nbsp;and a&nbsp;<strong>neural network</strong>.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/data-analysis-center/hands-on-the-desk-with-first-break-picking-a5aeb6f669e3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Break Picking