Please put your phone away, I’m trying to enjoy my Spring Break

<p>I never thought I&rsquo;d be jealous of my elders because of how advance the world is now. I never realized how wrong I was about that until now. The accessibility we as individuals have to one another is something older generations could only dream of.</p> <p>Our desire to always be in the now has it is pros and cons. But what if I told you this is ruining our experiences of fully enjoying life. Social media has skyrocketed and is now your average millennial&#39;s survival guide.</p> <p>You can literally keep up with the world with just a phone and a few social media apps such as Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Now because of that thirst to have the latest scoop ,which has done more damage than anyone could think of, relationships have been destroyed, friendships tested and several people&rsquo;s home training brought into questioning especially during spring break 2018.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Spring Break