Homeless in RVs Near SF State Get Short Reprieve, But Years-Long Cluster Must Soon Break Up

<p>With more than 100 people living for years in RVs and cars near San Francisco State University, SF homeless officials&nbsp;<a href="https://thefrisc.com/on-sfs-west-side-a-vehicle-site-for-the-homeless-seems-inevitable-but-not-where-you-think-62395601fe99" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">said in 2021</a>&nbsp;they would find a safe site for those people on the city&rsquo;s west side. That search has come to nothing. Yesterday, pressure came from an unlikely source: the city&rsquo;s streets and transit agency.</p> <p>The SF Municipal Transportation Agency&rsquo;s board of directors unanimously approved Tuesday a four-hour limit on weekday parking on Winston Drive between Lake Merced Boulevard and Buckingham Way. Winston, which connects Lake Merced and the Stonestown mall, is where many of the neighborhood&rsquo;s RVs have permanently parked for years. Many of the residents are working families and Spanish-speaking.</p> <p><a href="https://thefrisc.com/homeless-in-rvs-near-sf-state-get-a-short-reprieve-but-years-long-cluster-must-soon-break-up-f5e7948a7f41"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Soon Break