Tag: Algorithm

The Clustering of Water Consumption with SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) Algorithm in Python

Hello everyone! Today, I would like to share one of my college projects, namely the clustering of water consumption by the Jetis Kulon society. Jetis Kulon is a place, located in GunungKidul, DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In this article, we will use the SOM Algorithm to make a cluster model. Befo...

Hands-On Implementation of the Raft Algorithm With TypeScript

The Raft Algorithm is a distributed consensus algorithm designed to be easy to understand and implement. It is commonly used in distributed systems, such as distributed databases and file systems, to ensure data consistency and availability. Some real-life applications of the Raft Algorithm inclu...

How to train a classification model on a custom dataset

In this blog post, we will cover the necessary steps to train a custom image classification model and test it on images. The Ikomia API simplifies the development of Computer Vision workflows and provides an easy way to experiment with different parameters to achieve optimal results. Get start...

Mark and toys

There are a number of toys lying in from of him, tagged with their prices. Mark has an only a certain amount to spend, and he wants to maximize the number of toys he buys with his money. Given a list of toy prices and a amount to spend, determine the maximum number of gift h...

Creating a Load Balancer in GO

Modern websites might have to deal with hundreds or thousands of user requests per second. It is important to make sure the underlying infrastructure can handle all this traffic. As volume increases, it becomes necessary to scale up the number of available servers. A load balancer is a tool that ...

Hands-On Implementation of the Raft Algorithm With TypeScript

The Raft Algorithm is a distributed consensus algorithm designed to be easy to understand and implement. It is commonly used in distributed systems, such as distributed databases and file systems, to ensure data consistency and availability. Some real-life applications of the Raft Algorithm inclu...

So, which ML Algorithm to use?!

As a data science practitioner, you may have found yourself scratching your head when trying to choose the best machine learning algorithm for your project. With so many options available, the process can be overwhelming and confusing. But fear not, because we’re here to simplify it for you. ...

What Does It Really Mean for an Algorithm to Learn?

When one first encounters machine learning, one often rushes through algorithm after algorithm, technique after technique, equation after equation. But it is afterwards that one can reflect on the general trends across the knowledge that they have acquired. What it means to ‘learn’ is...

What do you get if you blend the visual DNA of two mid 20th Century artistic movements into a 21st Century generative art algorithm?

The original ideas evolved by these artistic canons tell very different stories in the history of post war American art. My approach however is more about just stealing from the visual lexicon of mark-making that characterizes these movements ignoring much of the contextual conversations around thes...

How to Create an Equitable and Unbiased AI Algorithm for Criminal Justice

Last week, we talked about the problematic nature of the United States court system. With a system that promotes mass incarceration rates, instates Draconian drug laws, and hyper criminalizes the average person, most people agree with the sentiment that our court system is dysfunctional. We then dis...

Efficiency of the Shotput Packing Algorithm

We use the algorithm for every order that goes into the system. We take boxes available to a team — some teams we work with have specific boxes, they use, where as others use boxes available to everyone — from there we send each box accompanied by all of the products for an order through...

Practical Introduction to Hartree-Fock Algorithm using Python

I will assume you have read the first three chapters of “Modern Quantum Chemistry” by Szabo and Ostlund, or any other similar book, or have taken an introductory course into computational quantum chemistry. I will be referring to said book throughout the post. The book is very cheap (&po...

Flocking Algorithm: Simulating Collective Behavior in Nature-inspired Systems

The Flocking Algorithm is a computational model inspired by collective behavior observed in nature, such as birds flying in formations or fish swimming in schools. It simulates emergent behavior in groups of entities by applying three principles: alignment, cohesion, and separation. ...

1994: A Brief Introduction to Shor’s Algorithm For Quantum Computers

Classical computers rely on algorithms that become increasingly inefficient as the size of the number to be factored grows larger. This is known as the difficulty of factoring large numbers using classical methods. In contrast, Shor’s algorithm exploits the principles of quantum mechanics to a...

Graham Scan Algorithm

It can be visualized as a rubber band that one could wrap around a set of points such that no point could fall its boundary. Algorithm Step 1: Select the bottom-most points (if there is a tie then pick the point at the extreme left). let it be Po(Xo,Yo). Step 2: Sort the points P ...

Nested Shape Algorithm:

This was a problem I encountered while working on a Java program which involves mostly some geometry and some algorithm analysis, so I hope you enjoy. Consider this problem. You have a bunch of 2D shapes stored as Shape objects, with dimensional attributes, that you need check for the ability to ...

The outsider algorithm

Your galactic empire includes more than 50,000 stars. But which ones are farthest apart? Of course, you travel via hyperspace, but distance is not abolished. This hyperspace works just as normal space, without shortcuts. It always takes longer to stop at an intermediate hub than to travel directl...

Sentiment Analysis with Naive Bayes Algorithm

Welcome to the world of sentiment analysis! In today’s digital age, where every tweet, review, or comment can impact a business’s reputation, understanding and analyzing sentiments has become crucial. Whether you want to gauge customer satisfaction, track trends in social media conversat...

Training the TikTok Algorithm

Like many elder-Millenials, I joined TikTok shortly after the first lockdown’s isolation and monotony kicked in. I figured I’d see what was up with this platform, expecting to find stupid dances and ridiculous trends that would keep me entertained for maybe a few days. Well, it’...