How to Create an Equitable and Unbiased AI Algorithm for Criminal Justice

<p>Last week, we talked about the problematic nature of the United States court system. With a system that promotes mass incarceration rates, instates Draconian drug laws, and hyper criminalizes the average person, most people agree with the sentiment that our court system is dysfunctional. We then discussed how lawmakers have turned to artificial intelligence in order to fix these discrepancies in this dysfunctional justice system. But, we also talked about how these artificial intelligence tools could be exacerbating racial bias on a further level.</p> <p>Studies found that an algorithm used by Kentucky to predict the &lsquo;risk level&rsquo; of defendants was heavily skewed towards one group of people. Before the algorithm was instated, the proportions for white defendants released and black defendants released was relatively the same at 25%. However, when this algorithm was mandated across Kentucky&rsquo;s courts, lawmakers found a 10% increase in white defendants released, while the rate of black defendants freed stagnated at 25%, the same rate before the algorithm was implemented.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: AI Algorithm