Creating a Load Balancer in GO

<p>Modern websites might have to deal with hundreds or thousands of user requests per second. It is important to make sure the underlying infrastructure can handle all this traffic. As volume increases, it becomes necessary to scale up the number of available servers.</p> <p>A load balancer is a tool that is commonly used to coordinate the volume of traffic between the available servers.</p> <p>In this post, we are going to see how to implement a simple load balancer in Golang and some of its strategies to handle inbound requests.</p> <h2>Load Balancing Techniques</h2> <p>A load balancer sits in front of a group of backend servers which is referred to as a server pool, the load distribution is performed based on load balancing algorithms which are responsible for choosing to which backend a request is going to be forwarded.</p> <h2>Round Robin Algorithm</h2> <p>The Round Robin is an algorithm that distributes the load equally among the servers in the server pool, doing a simple rotation. Just performing a check if it is alive before forwarding the request to a certain server.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>