Efficiency of the Shotput Packing Algorithm

<p>We use the algorithm for every order that goes into the system. We take boxes available to a team &mdash; some teams we work with have specific boxes, they use, where as others use boxes available to everyone &mdash; from there we send each box accompanied by all of the products for an order through a weeding out process.</p> <p>To cut down on runtime and the number of boxes we need to look for, we check in a speed optimal way that all the items with their given dimensions will fit into a box. For each of the acceptable boxes we send the products through the packing algorithm, which returns for each box,&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-chain/efficiency-of-the-shotput-packing-algorithm-a690e914d49c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>