Hands-On Implementation of the Raft Algorithm With TypeScript

<p>The Raft Algorithm is a distributed consensus algorithm designed to be easy to understand and implement. It is commonly used in distributed systems, such as distributed databases and file systems, to ensure data consistency and availability.</p> <p>Some real-life applications of the Raft Algorithm include&nbsp;<code>etcd</code>, CockroachDB, and TiDB.</p> <h1>Setting up a New TypeScript Project</h1> <p>First, let&#39;s set up a new TypeScript project using Yarn. In your terminal, run the following commands:</p> <pre> yarn init -y yarn add -D typescript yarn tsc --init</pre> <p>This will create a new&nbsp;<code>package.json</code>&nbsp;file, install the TypeScript compiler as a development dependency, and create a&nbsp;<code>tsconfig.json</code>&nbsp;file for your project.</p> <h1>Defining Types and Enums For the Raft Algorithm</h1> <p>Before we start implementing the Raft Algorithm, let&#39;s define some types and enums to represent the different components of the algorithm.</p> <p><a href="https://betterprogramming.pub/hands-on-implementation-of-the-raft-algorithm-with-typescript-27e9da32094f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>