Tag: Woman

I’m an Unmarried, Childfree Woman About To Turn 30 and I Feel Just Fine

In a little over a couple of weeks, I’ll be exactly five years too old to be dating Leonardo di Caprio. Yup, I’m turning 30. And it’s near-impossible not to notice that it’s one of those milestone birthdays that’s still often treated as a really, re...

It Takes a Village to Rape a Woman

“[Ours] is a culture in which sexualized violence, sexual violence, and violence-by-sex are so common that they should be considered normal. Not normal in the sense of healthy or preferred, but an expression of the sexual norms of the culture, not violations of those norms. Rape is illegal, ...

The True Story 32 Men Fighting Over a Single Woman on a Remote Island

Atthe end of World War II, a young woman found herself stranded with 32 young men, full of testosterone, on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. As you can imagine, there were numerous fights among the men, all vying for her attention. Periodically, the woman would shift her affect...

Here’s What Happens When You Call a Woman “Hot”

I am lying in his bed, sprawled Marilynesque across the sheets. I want to stay in this moment. A naked moment. But then he says the words that blur my nakedness into invisibility. “You are so hot.” Hot. The one word that makes my skin turn cold. I take a deep breath, and my h...

Men Don’t Marry the Woman They Love, They Marry the Woman in Front of Them

In a viral video, Tay explains that men don’t marry the woman they actually love the most, they marry the woman they’re dating when they consciously decide they’re ready to settle down. The idea is that men will only see marriage as an option when they are emotionally and financ...

What to the Black Man or Woman is Labor Day?

Apologies to Frederick Douglass for paraphrasing the title of his famous speech, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" As was the case with the Fourth of July holiday, Black people didn't share equally in the holiday's creation. We start with the origin of Labor Day. The fi...

Why does a woman talk about the insufficient size of a man’s penis? | Penis size | Relationship

Many men react quite painfully to such remarks. Some experience this as temporary castration, while for others the situation becomes a deterrent to the development of relationships. It is important to understand that most often in 98% of cases a man and the actual size of his penis do not matter at ...

“Men Don’t Marry the Woman They Love, They Marry the Woman in Front of Them”

“Men marry the woman in front of them at the time they are ready to get married,” says Tiktoker Tay Talks. In a viral video, Tay explains that men don’t marry the woman they actually love the most, they marry the woman they’re dating when they consciously decide they&...

A Groundbreaking Woman

Yesterday, New Yorker cartoonist Helen Hokinson was inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Society of Illustrators in New York City. My husband, cartoonist Michael Maslin, and I attended the lively celebration along with many wonderful artists we know. Michael wrote abou...

Portrait of a Woman

Hi, dear art lovers, Creating a woman’s portrait is a journey that allows me to explore more the depths of unique beauty and personality. For this sketch, I used a pencil and paper. Step 1: Gathering Inspiration I drew inspiration from Steve McCurry’s photograph — Afgha...

Embracing Adventure: A Digital Nomad’s Journey as a Single Woman in Barcelona

In a world brimming with possibilities, embarking on a digital nomad adventure as a single woman is an empowering and transformative experience. And what better city to fuel your wanderlust and spark your creativity than the vibrant and enchanting Barcelona? Join me on a journey as we explore the jo...

10 — I’m thankful for Edinburgh

Once upon a time, a young woman traveled to Edinburgh to study for an MSc. This year I hit the 10-year mark of one of the most amazing years of my life. It was filled with knowledge, friendship, and much love. I am thankful for all the wonderful coincidences that took me there. That I was brave a...

How one woman in tech screwed up diversity on her very own team…

“Where are all the women?” is a common question asked at tech conferences. It was also one of the first questions #Batch122 student, Carly Petracco, asked when she joined our bootcamp in January this year. I felt defensive and thought to myself, “I am here”. I am a woman...

A Kimono Woman in London

Hello or Konnichiwa. My name is Yuri. I live in London and work as a writer mainly for Japanese magazines and websites. I am also an English and French translator — so, Bonjour if that sounds better. My articles will be a diary-like account of my life and travels. Expect a lot of reports...

A Groundbreaking Woman

Yesterday, New Yorker cartoonist Helen Hokinson was inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Society of Illustrators in New York City. My husband, cartoonist Michael Maslin, and I attended the lively celebration along with many wonderful artists we know. Michael wrote abou...

The Woman in the Window

I am sitting in a square in Prague having a cigarette observing the passersby. I study their faces their gestures their clothing. I theorize about their pasts hopes fears loves and losses. As my father would say: I am people watching. They come and they go. A neverending kaleidoscopic whirl of ...

A Blind Woman Just Battered Me for 45 Minutes

They seem to usually know what they’re up to days in advance. Often, they possess the mystical capacity to do things like ‘plan an event’. I tend to be more of a serial lounger, who procrastinates taking action until some impulse strong enough to pull me out of whatever undeserv...

Walking Woman Journey

As a child-free spouse-free woman in my forties, I sometimes sense those of my friends who managed to get themselves on the baby/career/marriage thing observing me with more than a smidgen of jealousy when I talk about my adventures. The thing is, yes, I do walk a different path, because Reasons, an...

A message that was sent by a woman in Gaza:

So just as if I pinch you by the hand, do not fear for them. I know you are saddened, so remember what the Messenger (ﷺ) said...No one in this world dies and wishes to return to the world except the martyr. The martyr wishes that they would die for His sake a thousand times; to keep dying ...

A Trans Woman Talks About Kayla Lemieux

Trigger Warning: Talk of childhood sexual assault I’m going to rant. So be prepared. I am a non-passing trans woman, or trans femme. I have been on HRT for 2 years. I also have social anxiety, especially when going out dressed feminine. I know people don’t really see me as my true ...

Combating Imposter Syndrome as a Woman in STEM

Imposter syndrome is experienced by millions of people around the world cross-culturally and describes difficulty internalizing one’s accomplishments and instead attributing their success to other factors. Factors such as luck, timing, ‘some helped me,’ ‘I had connections&rsq...

On being a woman who takes up space

In the midst of a conversation with a good friend a few weeks ago, I caught myself saying a strange thing. I don’t remember the exact topic of discussion, but I do recall that it had something to do with sexism in the tech industry and the ways that people tend to underestimate women. At on...

If You Want Results, Put a Woman Gumshoe on the Job

Harini Nagendra, Murder Under a Red Moon (Pegasus Crime, 2023) Jane Pek, The Verifiers (Vintage, 2022); also Random House Audio, Eunice Wong, narrator. Two times, two places, two cultures, two murders. Two women detectives. One has set herself up as a detective; the othe...

Here’s What Happens When You Call a Woman “Hot”

I am lying in his bed, sprawled Marilynesque across the sheets. I want to stay in this moment. A naked moment. But then he says the words that blur my nakedness into invisibility. “You are so hot.” Hot. The one word that makes my skin turn cold. I take a deep breath, and my h...

How the Ugliest Woman in the World Exposed Humanity’s Cruelty and Saved Her Children

When Mary Ann Bevan was born in 1874, she was a beautiful, healthy baby. Nobody knew anything was amiss. Mary Ann grew up in Kent, England with her seven brothers and sisters. She later became a nurse and worked in London and dreamed of having a big family. In her late 20s, the beautiful nurse ma...

Aging Like A Wise Woman

Reach Out Reaching out is challenging for many women, who worry that they’ll be seen as imposing ,or worse, that they’ll be turned down. This is unlikely because most people want to help. So, when sick, don’t hesitate to call a friend to make a run for chicken soup. Or when lone...

Cooking for One: The Rookie Errors Every New Single Woman Makes

When you’re used to cooking for two, transitioning to cooking for one can lead to some extravagant grocery hauls. Suddenly, you’re buying enough vegetables to feed a small army, and that family-sized bag of rice? Yeah, it’ll outlast your patience for meal prepping. I recall s...

Single Woman Etiquette: This One Error Shows You’re Just Starting Out

We’ve all been there — those nights when the thought of cooking a proper meal feels like an Olympic feat. But here’s the thing, ladies, relying too heavily on microwave meals is a surefire sign that you’re in the early stages of the single woman game. Picture this: you&rsq...

My Wife Thinks She is a Weaker Woman Because of Me

Firstly, I think she is one of the strongest women in the world. So, her believing that she was weak(er) was rather shocking to me, despite her self-confessed imposter syndrome. Secondly, she was implying that I was the reason why she was weaker than most other women. Wait, what?! But as it su...

Too Many Labels

As a long time transgender woman, I have seen my share of different labels coming and going over the years. The first one was the declining use of the word transvestite. I remember the days when there were very much only two labels you could use to describe yourself. If you cross dressed in the c...

Finding Love as a Trans Woman

Throughout my life, I have gone through three significant evolutions of fear. My first fear was, as a child, being caught wearing my mother’s clothes. I was. I was unpunished. The second was coming out to my then-wife. I did. I was punished. My current fear is dating. I didn’t date. I...

Transgender Woman Struggling With Living in a Man’s Life

It was a simple trip back to my hometown to visit my siblings over a summer weekend for what has affectionately become Millsapalooza! Once a year, we travel to our childhood home to catch up on what is happening in each of our lives. I live farthest away, traveling close to 9 hours to get ...

Why They Want to Silence Harvard's First Black Woman President

Context is key. When Congress invited Gay and other leaders in academia to testify about antisemitism on college campuses and universities, they did so in an inquisition-style effort to pressure scholars to crack down on student groups showing solidarity with Palestinians, conflating any opposition ...

Transgender Woman Struggling With Living in a Man’s Life

It was a simple trip back to my hometown to visit my siblings over a summer weekend for what has affectionately become Millsapalooza! Once a year, we travel to our childhood home to catch up on what is happening in each of our lives. I live farthest away, traveling close to 9 hours to get ...

What should a trans woman wear in the first months of gender transition? A Simple Guide to Shopping as a Transgender Woman

In the first few weeks of the start of a gender transition, most people unfortunately do not pass yet. At this stage, my best advice is to start your transitioning gradually. In the first few weeks, when you have decided to transition, it is most likely an Eureka moment. For months or years ...

How Many F@cks Should A Middle Aged Woman Give?

While having cocktails with a friend, she lamented that at midlife she was all out of f@cks. To quote my forty-five-year-old stunningly eloquent companion, she said, “Gaze upon my field of f@cks, and notice there are none.” I nodded along in agreement. When I hit forty, I had com...

My Decision To Never Have Children: A Devisive Choice For A Grown Woman To Make

It must have been the summer before the pandemic when my step-father’s school friend decided to visit us. The friend, Edwin, brought his family, as well as their family friends. It was a large group and the parents were all around my own parent’s age- mid to late fifties. We were sitting...

Everyone tells you to be an empowered woman, no one tells you how?

Being a good girl let me down. In my pursuit to be the good girl as defined by my family and the society I grew up in, I had accumulated a college degree and two master’s level degrees, but I did not know how to be safe in this world. I didn’t know how to avoid danger and dangerous ...

What does being a woman mean to me?

I have often wondered how transgender persons feel. I tried my best to put myself in their shoes and imagine how uncomfortable it must be to be in a body and be brought up as a gender I don’t identify with. After a lot of contemplation, I think I know. I know because I cannot see myself as any...

Woman Forced To Flee Texas For Emergency Abortion Takes Last Of State’s Humanity With Her

In Texas, they have a lot of love for Friday Night football and barbecued ribs, but expectant mothers whose lives are at risk due to stillborn fetuses can go elsewhere for an abortion… and compassion. Not only was the 31-year-old mother’s ability to carry future children in danger, T...

The Obsession With The Tragic Woman

Society has always had a certain obsession with women who are mentally tormented or in pain — we see this throughout history. Greek Mythology showcases doomed women such as Echo. Historians depict women like Cleopatra as suicidal. Literature namely The Virgin Suicides, A Streetcar Named Desire...

The Abused Woman

Liars take time to answer and are a lot smoother when they deceive but when people stutter, they are expressing honest emotion in the moment that it happens. So it could also be perceived as a sign of sincerity. Either way, it paints a picture of someone coming across as reactive and as Buddhist ...

My Cycle Has Changed; I’m A Red Moon Woman

She is the woman who the patriarchy tries to hide in the day, but the shadows continue to expose her. She is the woman who lurks in books that women are discouraged from reading. She is a teacher and encourages discussion from different points of view. She is willing to learn from others if it means...

Watch Me Woman Up Again

It’s time to woman up. Again. One more time. And for-freakin’-ever. You know how Facebook asks “What’s on your mind, Peggy?” (on my page, it’s Peggy. On yours it’s something different.) A couple of days ago, I actually posted about what was on my mind ...

#51 — Welcome to being a woman

I recently had a follow-up colonoscopy, and things went much smoother (LOL) than the first time. But I experienced awful cramps. The two days leading up to and the two days after were double over, curl up, festivals of intestinal distress. The past year has been rather stressful, and when everything...

Pluto the Woman Shaman

Once again I have invited the planet Pluto into my life. You know, the planet that brings us the gift of creative destruction, the one that, untangles and unties us from patterns that no longer serve us, regardless how intensely we resist. This is the planet that many view through the eyes of fear a...

How to Get a Gemini Woman Back

So you messed up and lost your Gemini girlfriend. Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. Geminis are flexible and open to second chances if you play your cards right. As a fellow Gemini, I know how fickle and unpredictable we can be in relationships. But we also love passionately an...

He Spent 28 Years in Prison After a Woman Dreamed He Sexually Assaulted Her

Clarence Moses-El spent 28 years in prison after a woman who had been sexually assaulted dreamed that he had raped her. The woman, identified only as T.S., told authorities his face came to her during a dream the night after the attack. Despite a lack of any additional evidence, police cha...

An Idaho Woman Wants Trump To Go To Prison

The people who supported Trump and rioted were there to stop the certification of Joe Biden as President. They stormed the Capitol and became criminals as they caused destruction and death. They put the members of Congress in danger and at risk of losing their lives. There were people who put up ...

I Am a Mexican Woman Working in the USA, and I Was Detained at the Border — Again

“An officer will escort you to the interrogation room.” I nod in resignation. Seconds earlier, I had handed the officer my valid passport and visa. I lug a three-inch yellow folder bursting with legal documents, so I wouldn’t hear these words again. I am exhausted, but I try ...

The Angry Old Woman & the Immigrants

I’m walking my Chihuahua ‘Chia’ and my friend’s Schnauzer ‘Simón’ on a chilly, overcast Monday afternoon in my neighborhood — El Centro Histórico in Mexico City. Simón likes to stop in every public flower bed, the only “green&rdquo...

If you’re a white woman wanting to lead anti-racism groups…

More white women are educating themselves about anti-racism and allyship. There still aren’t nearly enough of them, but the number of white women requesting training in my group Real Talk: WOC & Allies for Racial Justice and Anti-Oppression continues to grow. That’s a good ...

Searching for the truth about yourself

I was sobbing by the end of “How to be a Korean Woman,” a play written and performed by Sun Mee Chomet about her search for and reunion with her birth family in Korea. I am neither Korean nor am I adopted. So why the tears? I cried because I love art that is deeply personal and spe...

Black Men Cheer on as a White Woman Sexualizes a Little Black Boy

A few days ago, a black man going by the Twitter name “ryan” posted a video on Twitter. The video starts with a white woman leaning over a fence with her back to a black boy standing a few feet away from her. A few minutes into the video, we see the black CHILD moving his arms back an...

“I was a Cherokee woman in another life”

White people’s desperation to be seen as something less than white is emotionally exhausting but also violent. The romanticization of Native Communities is dangerous and offensive, we are part of those communities that are invisible to the State, and to society, and then we get fetishized by t...

When the White Woman Calling the Police on You Is Your Mother

It is frequently believed that Biracial people with a White mother somehow grow up white, aligns with whiteness, and is inherently problematic. My story explains why we should not generalize based on parentage. My mother is White. There is no mistaking whether she is white. She is ivory in color ...

California Woman: Bryn Spejcher, Cannabis-Induced Psychosis Leads to 108 Fatal Stabbing of her Date

In May 2018, a tragic incident occurred in Thousand Oaks, California, when Bryn Spejcher fatally stabbed her boyfriend, Chad O’Melia, during what was described as a “cannabis-induced psychosis.” The shocking nature of the crime and the circumstances surrounding it have garnered sig...

The Amazons: From Herodotus to Wonder Woman

A lot of the best myths start with a simple premise: Somewhere, far away, there’s a society very different from our own. Let’s think about what an ancient Greek person would have known about the world. They’d have some familiarity with nearby cultures like Persia and Egypt;...

China’s First and Only Woman Emperor

The other night as I was winding down and once again surfing the tv for something to watch(this time something informative) I stumbled upon an interesting documentary called “China’s Emperor of Evil”. Since my interest were piqued, I decided to watch it and learned of the ancient e...

The Traditional Woman is Dead. Yay?

We venerate the modern woman: feisty, with a power job, and who stands up to men. We tend to scoff or even ridicule the traditional woman: gentle wife, careful homemaker, who aims to please. And yet…Just maybe the traditional woman shouldn’t be viewed as a troglodyte who should go ex...


Dressing like a high-value woman goes beyond simply following the latest fashion trends; it’s about projecting confidence, self-assuredness, and a sense of self-worth. When you present yourself as a high-value woman, you not only enhance your personal style but also radiate an aura of sophisti...

5 Behaviours of a Graceful Woman

Elegance is more than just a fashion statement; it’s a reflection of one’s demeanor and behavior. In this article, we explore five timeless behaviors that define a woman of elegance, transcending trends and leaving a lasting impression. 1. Poise and Composure: An elegant woman carrie...

A Letter to the Woman Hating Her Body Right Now

I was on a phone call with a friend, and she was distressed after having been shopping and coming to terms with the size of clothing she now needs to wear. She spoke about herself in a way that you would never want to be spoken to, in a way that you would never speak to a friend. This isn’t un...

Here’s what happened when I started learning French

I decided to learn French as my interest in the language was piqued when I came across a TV ad. I don’t remember what it was about but in the ad, a man and a woman were dining out at a nice French restaurant. The man attempts to order a fish dish but mistakenly asks for poison when h...