The Abused Woman

<p>Liars take time to answer and are a lot smoother when they deceive but when people stutter, they are expressing honest emotion in the moment that it happens. So it could also be perceived as a sign of sincerity.</p> <p>Either way, it paints a picture of someone coming across as reactive and as Buddhist scholars would otherwise describe as &lsquo;unskilled&rsquo; which is significant considering the great miracles performed around him. His lack of &lsquo;skill&rsquo; in terms of the interpersonal self leads to the greater conviction of the Higher Power Creating the Miracles and not him. It&rsquo;s as impressive as the illiterate Prophet Muhamad reciting the Qu&rsquo;ran&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Abused Woman