Walking Woman Journey

<p>As a child-free spouse-free woman in my forties, I sometimes sense those of my friends who managed to get themselves on the baby/career/marriage thing observing me with more than a smidgen of jealousy when I talk about my adventures. The thing is, yes, I do walk a different path, because Reasons, and I choose to seize the day when it comes to trying to live the rest of my life with as much respect and gratitude for the life on earth I have been given. I envy my sensible friends their normality sometimes, and they envy me my eccentric single lady existence. But child-free women remain misunderstood, and a single woman in her forties? Well, there must be something seriously wrong with her! We&rsquo;re getting there in society and starting to accept women&rsquo;s lives as valid whether married, be-kidded or otherwise, but we have a way to go yet.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@danustrattonkent/walking-woman-journey-f9d3b5ec8526"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Woman Journey