Tag: Ways

Five Ways to Take Your Happiness Back

Your happiness has been stolen, and it is time to take it back…. let’s begin. We now open a proverbial can of worms, rabbit hole, and portal. From 20 years of researching the intersection of sustainability and happiness, and coaching hundreds of people through to their goals, I have ...

The Only 3 Ways to Leave A Legacy

Ialways forget to remember my dreams. I mean — I’m sure I have them, but my mind blanks by the time I wake up. On the rare occasion a thought-bubble slips through the sleep-wake barrier, it’s almost always about the same thing: I’m dead. I die in just about 10...

11 counterintuitive ways to improve your life (no one talks about these)

None of the ideas I’m about to share with you came from any self-help book. (Ok, maybe a couple). But it’s only through being immersed in the beautiful strangeness of life that these lessons can be felt, seen, and used to see the truth of them. Funnily, none of these are ‘...

7 Ways Introverts Can Be Great Leaders

Introverts are often misunderstood. They are seen as shy and withdrawn, when in reality they simply process information and ideas differently than extroverts. Introverts can make great leaders, because they have some unique qualities that other personality types may not have. In fact, many of the...

Ways of Working: 5 improvements for leaders

Most ways of working still rely on functional hierarchy, where managers make decisions and workers do the work. Managers know they can’t change this work structure, but they can transform its effectiveness without asking for permission and without needing a budget. Before exploring the chan...

The Five Wrong Ways To Ask For A Promotion

Getting promoted feels like you have been rewarded for all the hard work and heroic feats you have accomplished. You excel in your job and want even more, and the next step feels like it's just a conversation away. Daily, on LinkedIn and Twitter, I see posts about how to ask your boss for a p...

Mac & 5 great ways to arrange your day with it for FREE

What if I told you there are 5 hidden gems on every Mac that will mean you’ll never miss anything ever again — and they are all free…has that got your interest? The Mac is at the centre of my day, every day and has been for as long as I can remember, and I can’t see that ...

20 Ways to Recognize Someone from Massachusetts

I’ve lived in New England my whole life — Boston and surrounding areas, more specifically. And while I’ve met perhaps a handful of people who drop their “r”s aggressively enough to get any parking spot they wanted, there’s more to the great state of Massachusetts ...

11 Lucrative Ways To Quit Teaching And Make Money In Taiwan

Whether it’s a dive bar or the next big start-up, you can start a business in Taiwan with relative ease. Many college students and artists run businesses through Taiwan’s creative markets. Folks with APRCs and local connections often open up bars or restaurants. If you have a bit of...

Seven Ways USAID is Investing in People and the Planet

USAID has been investing in the planet — and all of us who depend on it — for decades. From conserving key species to empowering communities who depend on natural resources, the Agency and its partners are working across the globe to safeguard nature. This Ear...

Five Easy Faith Ways I Remove Evil Things from My Life

I understand your pain. Having to go through tough challenges or battle serious sicknesses, but you know it’s hopeless. My mother’s aunt recently passed away. Her sickness came out of nowhere, and in an instant, it took her. My mother was devastated. But it broke me more b...

How I Discovered the Subtle Ways I Was Racist

When my little sister was in high school, she started dating a classmate who was black. Over dinner, our Korean mother voiced her concerns over his race. “How do we know he’s not a criminal?” Horrified, my sister and I looked at each other with dropped jaws. Was our mother makin...

What was it like when the Milky Way grew up?

The Milky Way galaxy may be just one among trillions present within the observable Universe, but it’s uniquely special for personal reasons to us: it’s our cosmic home. It’s the fertile soil from which our Sun and Solar System, including the bodies that would eventually become plan...

3 Easy Offbeat Ways To Send Your Dopamine Levels Soaring

How do you feel when your posts and stats take off? Over the moon, right?! But the exhilaration quickly plummets. What if you could experience that rush without the crash? Neuroscience shows we can boost dopamine to feel more happy and energized anytime. Visit Now

Pulsars, not dark matter, explain the Milky Way’s antimatter

When you look out at the Universe, what you see is only a tiny portion of what’s actually out there. If you were to examine the Universe solely with what’s perceptible to your eyes, you’d miss out on a whole slew of information that exists in wavelengths of light that are invisible...

9 Proven Ways To Get A Guy To Chase You

You’ll want to pay close attention to this if you want to learn how to attract a man to chase you effortlessly and swiftly. I’ll explain why men chase, why they stop or feel bored, and how to activate a man’s “chase” urge so you can practically “hypnotize&rdquo...

5 Ways To Check the Quality of Your Shirt

If your stitches aren’t meticulously sewn, you’ll notice the flaws in no time. Have you ever bought a shirt only to find loose threads unraveling shortly after? It’s a glaring indication of shortcuts taken during its construction. Well-executed stitches should be firm, tidy, and ne...

UI Matters in All Kinds of Weird Ways

Change isn’t always a bad thing (although when the pages didn’t look quite like I was expecting them to, the way they HAVE looked for the past seven and a half years, I did do a double-take of sorts and check to make sure I had typed the utility company’s web address correctly and ...