20 Ways to Recognize Someone from Massachusetts

<p>I&rsquo;ve lived in New England my whole life &mdash; Boston and surrounding areas, more specifically. And while I&rsquo;ve met perhaps a handful of people who drop their &ldquo;r&rdquo;s aggressively enough to get any parking spot they wanted, there&rsquo;s more to the great state of Massachusetts than that, and far more subtle and more interesting ways to identify someone from around here.</p> <p>Here are some telltale signs you have been or currently are a Massachusettsan (and yes, that is the official recognized term) delivered with all the sarcasm and satire worthy of the Bay State reputation:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@anastasia_writes/20-ways-to-recognize-someone-from-massachusetts-e87c0158f996"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>