The Only 3 Ways to Leave A Legacy

<p>I<strong>always forget to remember my dreams.</strong>&nbsp;I mean &mdash; I&rsquo;m sure I have them, but my mind blanks by the time I wake up.</p> <p>On the rare occasion a thought-bubble slips through the sleep-wake barrier, it&rsquo;s almost always about the same thing:&nbsp;<strong>I&rsquo;m dead.</strong></p> <p>I die in just about 100% of my dreams. In fact, I&rsquo;m not sure what else people dream about. Even in daytime thought, my demise weighs on me &mdash; how to delay it, how to defeat it, how to defy it.</p> <p>How could it not? Death is the only promise that&rsquo;s also a guarantee. I know I&rsquo;ll meet my end and you&rsquo;ll meet yours. We&rsquo;re here, then we&rsquo;re gone &mdash; every human, animal, plant, organism, cell &mdash; up and vanished like the waves that dared to crash upon the shoreline.</p> <p>Still, there&rsquo;s hope.</p> <h1>Immortality</h1> <p>While it&rsquo;s impossible to&nbsp;<em>actually&nbsp;</em>live forever, we can learn, make, experience, and share enough of ourselves to achieve the&nbsp;<em>illusion</em>&nbsp;of immortality. We can approach the asymptotic, even though we&rsquo;ll never touch it.</p> <p>Our mortality might be a prison, but that&rsquo;s not the complete picture. It&rsquo;s just half of the brokenhearted locket.</p> <p>The outside world bestows the other half to you &mdash; family, friends, community, society.&nbsp;<em>That</em>&nbsp;half starts as infinite shattered shards, and can only be reassembled and rejoined with you by how you contribute to those who hold the pieces. Your&nbsp;<em>mission</em>&nbsp;is that half. Your&nbsp;<em>legacy</em>&nbsp;is that half.</p> <p>Now, let&rsquo;s talk about how&nbsp;<em>you</em>&nbsp;can leave a legacy, or &mdash; more appropriately &mdash; piece it together.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>
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