Tag: Voice

Richard Hanania and the Reasonable White Guy Voice

What is left to say about Richard Hanania? The short version is that Hanania, an “enlightened centrist” pundit, was recently exposed by Christopher Mathias of the Huffington Post as a former white supremacist who had been a guiding voice in the formation of the alt-right under ...

7 Ways To Discover Your Own Writing Voice and Trust Your Gut

For many years, I struggled with my writing. I was always comparing myself to others and thinking I had nothing new to say. I was locked down and locked out of my own creativity and my own natural writer’s voice. What was holding me back? That pesky 4 letter word — FEAR. Fear...

Hunting for An Artistic Voice

Writing about art has become one of my most rewarding endeavours, but long before I ever started to think seriously about the history of art, I was a painter. What kind of painter, I find it hard to say. Blessed with the proclivity for artistic indecision, my archive — to give it a grandios...

Voice Marketplace: Revolutionizing Indie Games with AI Voice Cloning Technology

Welcome to the world of indie gaming, where innovation, creativity, and unique storytelling meet cutting-edge technology. Today we’re diving into a disruptive new service for indie gaming developers: the Voice Marketplace. Powered by AI voice cloning technology, the Voice Market...

ChatGPT in an iOS Shortcut — Worlds Smartest HomeKit Voice Assistant

Ever since I tried ChatGPT and GPT-3, everything else feels painfully dumb and useless: Siri, Alexa, Google Home and all other “smart” assistants. Here’s the shocking thing: you can build your own in less than an hour! My other AI Assistant To demonstrate how...

A queer voice from the past

Yesterday I saw an interesting post on Instagram by the Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft about the German writer Bruno Vogel, born in Leipzig 125 years ago yesterday. He worked at the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin together with Magnus Hirschfeld etc in the 1920s. Very interesting for me, was ...

The Satirical Voice of Juvenal and it’s Lasting Impact Throughout History in the Media

It is simply impossible to progress in the future without learning from the past. This goes for everything, from art to architecture, music to politics; everything under the sun has been influenced immensely from those before us. Most notably, the portrayal of media. Whether it was novels, films or ...

Whose Voice is Loudest in the Free World?

There’s an episode of the food travel show, “Somebody Feed Phil,” that features Marrakesh, Morocco. Phil and his companions are eating outdoors, and suddenly from a series of minarets all around the restaurant the adhan, the call for Muslim prayer rings out for the w...

101 Zen Stories: Story # 27: The Voice of Happiness — The Voice of a Kind Heart

After the Zen master Bankei died, a blind man who lived near his temple told a friend, “Since I cannot see people’s faces, I judge their character by their voice. When most people congratulate others’ happiness, I hear a hint of envy. When they give condolences for misfortune, I he...

Embracing My Voice: A Journey from Silence to Entrepreneurship

I have a tendency to not be able to speak coherently. I developed what I’d call a disability from a lifetime of not being able to speak my mind for fear something terrible would happen. As in, I would "make someone mad" or they wouldn’t listen. After a childhood of staying a...

Listening to the Still, Small Voice of God

I woke up this blessed morn with so many things to do. send an email, start a book, finish your work and see it through Pushing aside these worried thoughts, I climbed the set of stairs leading to my private room and The Course of study there Read More

Amazon Now Using AI to Replace Voice Actors ~ Audible

AI is already being used by lawyers to help write briefs and motions, and do research without having to hire additional lawyers. We are fast coming to a digital dystopian future, not unlike what we see in such sci-fi futuristic shows like The Peripheral, Blade Runner, and The Matrix, where worker...

Political Parties: |”Nurturing Independent Political Voice: The Significance of Individualized Ideals in a Party-Driven Landscape”

In the realm of politics, the question of whether to join an established political party or venture into the uncharted waters of independent candidacy is one that has intrigued thinkers, activists, and citizens alike. Both choices have their merits, and both have been subjected to critique. In this ...

Indigenous Voice in Education

Indigenous people are the most underrepresented group in the United States and yet they are the only marginalized group who has dual citizenship of the U.S. and of their own tribe. Stereotypical forms of behaviors and attitudes tend to further marginalize Indigenous people, therefore highlighting th...

Indigenous Voice to Parliament — What Lessons Can We Learn?

It has been a few weeks since the failed referendum for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, here in Australia. On the day after the referendum, those that voted “Yes” woke up feeling like most Australians are racist, while those that voted “No” woke up relieved that they h...

Is a raspy marijuana voice something to worry about?

My voice is really raspy. It never used to be. I smoke a lot of pot. I often top my flower with concentrate. It’s hard on my lungs. My doctor doesn’t mind that I smoke pot. In fact, she supports it. But she doesn’t like what it’s doing to my lungs. She wants me to vape ...

Active and Passive Voice — Difference Between Active and Passive Voice

It might sound odd to realize that sentences written in English have a voice, but it’s even strange to realize there are arguments over which of the two options — active and passive voice which one is more appropriate in writing. This article outlines the meaning of each voice ...

Create your Character’s Voice with These Simple Steps

The choice of words a character uses is a mirror reflecting their background, education, and social standing. For instance, imagine a character, Lord Alistair, who’s a well-educated noble in a high fantasy setting. He might use terms like “preposterous” or “indeed” and ...

Americans & Vocal Fry – Croaky Voice Explained

Apart from being loud, there is another persistent stereotype about how Americans speak. It’s the vocal fry. This woman probably speaks in a croaky voice [Image by Author & Leonardo.ai] So I’m from Europe. The American vocal fry strikes me as weird. Here is a video ...