7 Ways To Discover Your Own Writing Voice and Trust Your Gut

<p>For many years, I struggled with my writing. I was always comparing myself to others and thinking I had nothing new to say.</p> <p>I was locked down and locked out of my own creativity and my own natural writer&rsquo;s voice.</p> <p><strong>What was holding me back?</strong></p> <h2>That pesky 4 letter word &mdash; FEAR.</h2> <p>Fear of failing, fear of success, fear of criticism, fear of just not being good enough, fear ad nauseam . . .</p> <p>Until one day, I realized all that negative nonsense was BS and I decided to embrace a different positive mantra. To just write about what I see and feel in my own genuine voice and finally reveal myself through my writing.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>Turns out that Hemingway knew what he was talking about :)</strong></p> </blockquote> <h2><strong>It&rsquo;s been so freeing to write this way.</strong></h2> <p>Trying to shoehorn yourself into writing a certain way because &ldquo;they&rdquo; say it&rsquo;s the thing to do is not the way to go.</p> <h2>Trusting your own voice as a writer and listening to your gut is.</h2> <p>If you&rsquo;d like to get unstuck and discover your own writer&rsquo;s voice, here&rsquo;s 7 ideas to experiment with.</p> <p><strong>#1. Don&rsquo;t Censor Yourself.&nbsp;</strong>Don&rsquo;t disguise yourself and try to blend into the background. Write about your true feelings and observations. Have the courage to show who you really are in your writing. Readers want to see the &ldquo;real you&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/midform/7-ways-to-discover-your-own-writing-voice-and-trust-your-gut-d00e709bfe63">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: trust Voice