Tag: vegan

Why the vegan meat industry is in the red

On the day Beyond Meat became a publicly traded company in May 2019, its stock price shot up by a massive 163%. This was the best performance in a single day by any big American company in almost twenty years. This big jump clearly meant something important was going on. The sales of imitation me...

Am I a Hypocrite for Being Vegan?

The moralization of food is instilled in us from a young age. It starts with seemingly innocuous lunchbox policing where “treat” foods are chastised except when earned or on special occasions. This soon transitions into teenage angst over “good” vs “bad” calori...

Budget Berlin Vegan: 10 Places to Eat Vegan in Berlin for Less Than €10

There are signs for vegan food wherever you look and it would be a year’s work to try all the options available. As with any food scene that goes trenderiffic (curry wurst, I’m looking at you), bad apples are popping up everywhere, threatening to spoil the bunch. We made it our missio...

A Guide to Vegan Dining in Buenos Aires

AsI had a drink before my flight to Buenos Aires this past June, a man struck up a conversation with me about where I was heading. “I hope you like steak,” he said, and I smiled with lips tight. Of course I was going to the Argentine city to sample its vegan cuisine, but he didn’t ...

Vegan Adventures: A Journey from NYC to London and Beyond

Hey there, lovely readers! I’m Sarah Shear, and I am beyond thrilled to welcome you to my blog. Let’s embark on a personal journey through the world of vegan food and culture together. At Unity Diner in Spitalfields For over a decade, I have wholeheartedly embraced the beautifu...

My top 3 places to eat as a vegan in Miami

I went to Miami last November to visit friends, and let me tell you, the food there is on another level. There was lots of Caribbean and South American influence, which included plenty of seafood, so if you’re vegan and visiting Miami then it’s useful to know a few spots in advance. For ...

What’s the difference between being vegan and a vegetarian?

In the present day, health-conscious society there are many people who are looking into the benefits of plant-based diets to improve their sustainability and overall health. Two popular dietary choices that frequently cause confusion are vegetarianism and veganism. In this article, we’ll explo...

The World Isn’t Going Vegan Any Time Soon

In 1960, the world population reached 3 billion people. Sixty years later, and it hasn’t quite trebled yet, although we’re likely to get there in the next decade. Meat consumption, however, has more than quadrupled in the same time. I’ll save you the trouble and do t...

The Only Thing I Miss as a Vegan

There’s this weird misconception that vegans only eat salads… And although I do love salads, they’re not my whole diet. There’s much more to being vegan than eating a plate of salad. I often get asked if I miss anything by being a vegan. And my answer is yes, there is one...

‘This is Vegan Propaganda’ Terrified Me

Ed Winters, known as Earthling Ed or ‘Vegan Jesus,’ has garnered significant attention as an advocate for animal rights and veganism. I initially read his book, ‘This Is Vegan Propaganda’ as soon as I could get my hands on it last year, and again more recently prior...

5 Vegan Edible Flower Recipes from the Past to Welcome Spring

Edible flowers are considered to be a growing trend in modern food among both professional chefs and home cooks. Incorporating flowers into cuisine isn’t a new concept at all, older cookbooks reflect the use of flowers in sweet and savory foods in earlier eras. Spring&rsquo...

RECIPE — Is This Vegan Portuguese Kale Soup Really As Flavorful As It Should Be?

Wine Pairing Ah, a Vegan Portuguese Kale Soup. I must say, kudos for attempting to bring some vibrancy to a classic dish, but let’s not pretend that this soup will shine on its own. It’s going to need a little help in the flavor department. To complement the earthy notes of the kale a...