Am I a Hypocrite for Being Vegan?

<p>The moralization of food is instilled in us from a young age.</p> <p>It starts with seemingly innocuous lunchbox policing where &ldquo;treat&rdquo; foods are chastised except when earned or on special occasions. This soon transitions into teenage angst over &ldquo;good&rdquo; vs &ldquo;bad&rdquo; calories and a mortal fear of cellulite. Ultimately it feeds into a culture of food shaming, where one&rsquo;s dietary choices are equated with their personal value.</p> <p><em>She who can deny her primal desire is divine.<br /> She who cannot is a pig.</em></p> <p>My fierce opposition to this cultural motif is undoubtedly heightened by an eating disorder that has reduced me to a skin-clad skeleton on more than one occasion.</p> <p>I do not believe that diet culture&nbsp;<em>caused</em>&nbsp;my eating disorder, but it has certainly not made the healing process any easier. Weight gain goes against everything we have been taught as virtuous in a woman. I can attest that it never stops feeling sinful and disgusting.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>