Tag: Truth

The Truth: More School is Hard to Swallow

An MBA helped get me beyond the clinic. This does not mean it is the only way, and it definitely does not mean it is the best way. This is, by far, the most common question I get across all healthcare professions — MDs, Nurses, PT/OT/Athletic Trainers, even personal trainers. In f...

The Hard Truth: Biden Is Done

Why are the Democrats so blind to the cliff they’re stumbling over? The answer, of course, is that they’ve become a kind of church. A faith system where honest self-criticism is sacrificed on the altar of positivity to keep anyone from asking pointed questions. It’s another A...

Slice of Truth: What One Day of Working at a Pizza Place Taught Me About the Fast-Food Industry and…

The glow of my laptop screen bathed the small, dimly lit room in an ethereal blue light. The air hung heavy with the scent of anticipation, mingling with the mouthwatering aroma of smothered turkey wings and mac and cheese wafting from my oven. I was eagerly anticipating the moment when I could savo...

It’s Not Like What You See…

Inthe age of social media, our lives are on display like never before. We scroll through feeds filled with exaggerated achievements, carefully curated moments, and seemingly extraordinary lives. It’s easy to get caught up in the illusion that everyone is achieving greatness, while we’re ...

5 Truth Bombs to Shut Up Your Inner Imposter

We all have an inner mean girl who pops up from time to time to whisper discouraging lies in our ear like “You’re an imposter! Everyone here is so much smarter and more qualified than you. It’s only a matter of time before they figure out you have no idea what you’re doing!&r...

5 Truth Bombs to Shut Up Your Inner Imposter

We all have an inner mean girl who pops up from time to time to whisper discouraging lies in our ear like “You’re an imposter! Everyone here is so much smarter and more qualified than you. It’s only a matter of time before they figure out you have no idea what you’re doing!&r...

The Truth About Our Leaders

This was the first time in years I made a phone call. It wasn’t something I typically did, but the circumstances demanded that I do it. I called up my old bank. Recalling the 5-digit passcode I set up back then, the call was to arrange a few changes to the bank account to ensure that no ...

The Truth About Tourism In The Red-Light District

Walking into the Red-Light District one evening, I was overwhelmed with a sense of nervous excitement. What would be around the corner? First, I saw the crowds, then the sharp glow of red filling the streets, and finally, the windows. At once, I was fascinated. Everyone has heard about the ladies...

Just HOW Wanky is Glasgow’s West End? The Truth Revealed!

So on Friday afternoon a good friend of mine took us both out for an early dinner. “I’ll pay for it,” he told me, “if you promise to review it.” Being an impoverished writer, and hence knowing never to pass up a free meal, I gladly accepted although when I discovered ou...

The Peculiar Truth about the Girl in the Polka Dot Dress

June 4, 1968: While campaigning to become the Democratic nominee for President of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. The crime took place in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. (That hotel is now long gone.) The shooter, Sirhan Sirhan, an American whose fam...

The Peculiar Truth about the 1989 SF Earthquake — My Personal Account

October 17, 1989: My wife and I were newlyweds living in a San Francisco apartment with two cats and a bird. Our wedding took place just eight days earlier in Lake Tahoe. 5 pm: I turned on the TV to watch Game 3 of the World Series between the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland Athletics. A...

I Don’t Know the Truth

Truth is a loaded word. Its meaning and significance often get blurred amidst disputes. For instance, I often get told about “the truth” when talking about climate change. From both sides. If “the truth” is how much the global average temperature will increase by the en...

The Chilling Truth: Antarctica Just Lost an Ice Mass the Size of My Country

Some time ago, a friend asked me if I believed in infinity. It was an easy answer: infinity is walking through Antarctic glaciers, the repetitive and overwhelming whiteness of the landscapes, and the feeling of walking in circles. Being born and raised in Patagonia, I’ve always felt attract...

The real truth of making big money writing online (they’re lying)

Earlier this week, I published my 300th post on this site. I think it’s reason to celebrate, but it also serves as a warning to anyone who dreams of making big money writing online. You see, there’s an entire industry operated by snake oil salesmen and built on the idea of &ld...

Shrine of the Times — Part 4. The Book 1984 and the Dharmic Intersection between Truth and Lies

So you have read the book 1984, haven’t you? Even if you haven’t, I bet you understand the concepts within Orwell’s works. Mind control is a major theme in the book in question. Nowadays, after leaving the confines of a cult, I see parallels between themes in this book and almos...

Shrine of the Times — Part 2. Love and Truth in the Dharma

Not the conventional love that I had known, outside of Jewish Grandmother love, yes, that’s the closest category I can think of. The eye contact between the sun-shaped face and mine could not have been longer than .07 seconds, but I am sure something was injected. What? Well, that is...

3 Tender Truths God Wants Us to Know About Sleep

Nothing will ever intellectually prove that God exists, or that he doesn’t. God’s too smart for that. But if you do believe in God, or would like to, you might pause and ask yourself this — Why would God create us to sleep so much? About a third of our lives! Wha...

No such thing as the ‘gospel truth’

The long-standing English idiom ‘the gospel truth’, taken to mean ‘the absolute truth’, and derived from the alleged record of Christ’s life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament, is no longer tenable (if it ever really was). This is confirmed une...

The Four Noble Truths are All About Suffering

The First Noble Truth is the acceptance of suffering, accepting things as they are. “There is suffering” means we stop trying to drown it out in toxic positivity & we stop being resistant about it being there. We accept that people suffer & that we too suffer. There is no attachm...

The Ugly Truth About Our Obsession With Social Media’s Beauty Filters

Even before the invention of glass-blowing in the 14th century, when the first undistorted mirrors became available, humans had an almost instinctual desire to see themselves. But although our early ancestors only had distorted reflections at their disposal— the earliest manm...

The Sad Truth of What It Feels Like to Not Be Seen

Ayoung man on a cruiser bicycle passed me on the street that led to the local high school. I don’t know how old he was, maybe 15 or 17? He had wild black curls, a thin nose, and a dusting of facial hair across the top of his upper lip. He stared right at me and made eye contact, not because...

How Culture Devastated Femininity (Revealing The Distressing Truth)

Rights are great. Off the bat, I want to establish that I myself quite enjoy them. They are fantastic things that I think have improved well-being for women overall. Getting that out of the way, I want to face a glaring issue right now. Most women (and teenage girls) are depressed, misguided, and un...

Ugly Truth #1: What’s A Girl to Do With Low Status, Invisible Men?

Giving a shit about people you instinctively look down on is really hard to do! Contempt is my default emotion when I encounter downtrodden men—the unemployed lads, the bros, the thuggish cluster of dudes in track pants, smoking, jeering, nowhere to go, their chests puffed out as the...

Countering Truth Decay: Q&A with Ray Block, Jr.

Ray Block, Jr., has some advice for people heading into the 2024 elections. “Do not be a passive consumer of information,” he says. “Be an active consumer — an empowered consumer. Scrutinize everything. Cross-check it. Ask yourself, ‘What goal does this information acco...

Book Review: “Truth Telling” by Michelle Good

It turns out that I might have been wrong. This is the conclusion that I’ve reached after reading Truth Telling, a work by an Indigenous author of Canada named Michelle Good (Five Little Indians). This is a collection of seven essays ranging from issues such as residential schools to miss...

The Surprising Truth of Why We Are Drawn to Self-Help

Stepping into my friend’s apartment was like entering a batter of sophistication meets simplicity. High white ceilings, minimalist furniture. However, it was the secondhand bookshelf that got my attention. Stacked with probably over 200 books, meticulously organized by genre. Academic tomes li...

An Uncomfortable Truth: Children of the Swingers

Growing up a queer child in the backwoods of Pennsylvania, I was no stranger to secrets. The world I grew up in was intolerant, ignorant, and, at times, violent toward people like me. I kept myself quiet and small, trying not to draw attention to myself or my identity. I dreamed of a day where I cou...

The Awful Truth About Oxford Houses (Part 1)

Oxford Houses are supposed to be self-run, democratic, group-type homes for people who are in recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction. The philosophy is that people who have been through the hell of active addiction provide better-quality, no-judgment support than those who have not, and when a ...

Does Truth Pharm Have a Black Woman Problem?

Truth Pharm, which refers to itself as an “anti-harm organization,” has recently been accused by four Black women — mostly former staffers— of inflicting significant harm. This is noteworthy since, at the time of this writing, Truth Pharm has zero Black employees or...

The Peculiar Truth about the Letter That Sparked the Opioid Crisis

1980: Dr. Hershel Jick was a professor at the Boston University School of Medicine. He was in charge of the Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program, which began in 1966. That group, which still exists, published hundreds of data-driven pharmacological studies. One of Dr. Jick’s gr...

The Truth About Temu: The Top 7 Temu Best Seller Products

Introduction to Temu Before diving into the best seller niche products on Temu, let’s first understand what this platform is all about. Temu is an innovative online marketplace powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Using advanced natural language proce...

Shocking Truth Revealed: Is Cetaphil Really Cruelty-Free The Controversy Uncovered

There’s no denying that the beauty industry is constantly evolving, with consumers becoming more knowledgeable and conscientious of the products they use. One major concern among many individuals is whether their skincare brands are truly cruelty-free. One brand that has been at the center of ...

Transgender Truth

Following years of living a huge lie, I decided to live my gender truth. All along, I should have never been a male and felt so natural and alive when I was being feminine. As with any lie, you need to be more and more skillful to keep the ball rolling and not be discovered. The process all start...

Learning a New Language at Age 40+

This old joke has more than a grain of truth to it. Unless you are an immigrant or a child of immigrants, chances are you only speak English. There are lots of reasons for this. Like…we’re a big country and don’t need to speak anyone else’s darned language. Or…Engl...

The Unspoken Truth about ‘Chapri’ and What It Tells Us About Indian Social Media Culture

‘Kya Chapri dikh raha hai ye’, is a phrase we have come across while doom-scrolling on Instagram. Usually, you will see this comment on oddly specific videos where there’s a person sporting bleach blond hair, heavily distressed jeans, or fake branded clothes. Ever wondered ...