The Chilling Truth: Antarctica Just Lost an Ice Mass the Size of My Country

<p>Some time ago, a friend asked me if I believed in infinity. It was an easy answer: infinity is walking through Antarctic glaciers, the repetitive and overwhelming whiteness of the landscapes, and the feeling of walking in circles.</p> <p>Being born and raised in Patagonia, I&rsquo;ve always felt attracted to Antarctica. Shackleton became one of my heroes, and the fantasy of visiting and exploring infinity in the iced continent has always been on the radar.</p> <p>But my chances might be melting away. Because beneath its serene fa&ccedil;ade lies an alarming tale that threatens not just the continent&rsquo;s frozen landscape but also the delicate balance of life on Earth.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Chilling Truth