The Hard Truth: Biden Is Done

<p>Why are the Democrats so blind to the cliff they&rsquo;re stumbling over?</p> <p>The answer, of course, is that they&rsquo;ve become a kind of church. A faith system where honest self-criticism is sacrificed on the altar of positivity to keep anyone from asking pointed questions.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s another American pyramid scheme run by people with a lot of money and a vested interest in pretending that they care about the rest of us.</p> <p><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">A recent book looking closely at</a>&nbsp;the first two years of the Biden Administration reveals what I&rsquo;ve been afraid was true about him from day one: he&rsquo;s an empty vessel at heart, a cipher for the party whose political strategy amounts to letting everyone he comes into contact with project whatever they want to believe onto him.</p> <p>That in turn has let Bidenworld act as if he&rsquo;s the second coming of FDR, a disastrous conceit that is primarily meant to keep the media from criticizing him too much &mdash; or asking too many questions about his health and family business. The American people were rather famously lied to about FDR&rsquo;s need to use a wheelchair: one has to wonder what other inconvenient aspects of the administration are being hidden.</p> <p>But speaking strictly in scientific, adaptive cycle terms, Biden is the ideal kind of manager for the Summer phase of a system: a time when efficiency matters and maintaining good relationships keep everything humming along. But the rise of Trump proved, as I&rsquo;ve been arguing for about a decade now, that the USA has entered the Autumn phase: a time of collapse and loss, when the ideal strategy is to ride the waves of chaos while offering a clear vision of what life looks like on the other side.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Truth Biden