Tag: Times

The Day My Sister Died Three Times Because of Me

This is the most painful piece of memory I have. It has been penetrating my mind since 1996. I can’t blame this trauma on generational inheritance or narcissistic abuse. This was something fresh, tailor-made for me — something of my doing alone. If I believed in Karma — and I te...

The World Won’t Appreciate The Good You Do a Million Times

Mrs. Shabnum Affan is a kind and dedicated educator who has spent decades nurturing the young minds of her community. Her classroom is a haven of knowledge and compassion, a place where students come to learn not only about math and science but also about life itself. One crisp autum...

Two times I had a kick up the arse.

We all have had those chats with people about things that you should be doing. But do you take action? The chats that I’m going to talk about are few and far between for me. I’ve only had two chats like this since I was 18. What I am going to describe are two passing conversations t...

At times, it is parenting

The other day I was mentoring a young person (to me, that’s anyone under the age of 40) about sucking it up and taking it on the chin. You see, this person had made a mistake. A pretty big one. One that cost the company over $200,000. Yes, it was a billion dollar company, but, to me, who ha...

All at sea? Leadership in perilous times…

‘Trust your compass’ observed my colleague Matt, a former officer in the Royal Marines. ‘When you’re on exercises, and you’ve been up hill and down dale’ he explained ‘and are lost and disoriented in the dark, when your compass points in ...

Metamodern Times: Going Beyond Nihilism

In 2010, researchers Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker published the essay Notes on metamodernism, later translated to Portuguese and published in 2017 on the magazine Arte & Ensaios published by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. At that time, the researchers aim...

Covid19 Times — Days 17-20

I sat in the park, Søndermarken, south field, with my Italian friend today. The sun was hot and we walked a little first before finding a bench that faced towards the sun. We’ve known each other since we were twenty-somethings. We’ve worked together, travelled Europe together, ...

Random Times in the Beco

Paintings in The Museum of Life With the weather cooling from the heat of summer, I love spending time on my beco’s bench. I sit there working on my laptop or watching random people hike up the hill in search of the popular viewpoint above. Most of all, I love getting to play with Gra&ccedi...

‘Hard Times Create Strong Men, Strong Men Create Good Times, Good Times Create Weak Men, Weak Men Create Hard Times’ — Not Only False, But Fascist Rhetoric

The human evolutionary niche exists at the confluence of advanced cognitive development and societal sophistication. It is the capability to not only hone rudimentary spears and bludgeons, but to operate in tandem with our kind to slay woolly mammoths and fashion warm garments from its furs, to run ...

Influence doesn’t compete, Honey; ‘Them that live above’ times up, dudes!

The EPA says that noise impacts depend on the noise level, its characteristics, and how it is perceived by the person affected. In Mr. Johnson’s case, his experience of the noise from your property is all of the above…There is no need to reply to this letter, but it’s service...

Three Books Recommended By Multi-Millionaires Mulitple Times

The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley If you’ve been feeling the world’s all doom and gloom lately, Matt Ridley’s “The Rational Optimist” is like a big ol’ ray of sunshine. Ridley’s core idea? Humanity’s in a better spot now than ever before. A...

Shrine of the Times — Part 10. The End of This Story and the Beginning of Another

Yes, we may never know how many of the stories online about this cult are factual, half-truths, or lies. I only know what I saw. I’ve written just my short story on this cult of Shambhala for you. I was in for almost three decades. So there is more. A lot more. Enough to fill a book. That book...

The New York Times vs. ChatGPT: A Battle for the Future of News and Words

The news just got a whole lot more meta — The New York Times (NYT), that grand dame of journalism, has thrown down the gauntlet against OpenAI and Microsoft, accusing their chatty chatbot, ChatGPT, of a digital sleight of hand: poaching millions of NYT articles without permission to train its ...

Mapping Our Social Change Roles in Times of Crisis

I am a rapid responder but over the past few weeks as the coronavirus pandemic has spread across the world, I have felt disoriented and lost. In the wake of 9/11, I built my rapid response muscle, and over the past twenty years, I’ve relied on it to spring into action and respond to crises by ...

Interesting Times: Election Year In The United States

I’m one of those people who live with a serious case of itchy feet. I like to get out on the road, hopping buses and exploring new locations. You never know what neat things you’re going to find, and there’s never any shortage of discoveries to make. I make a point of heading so...

Fuck Off About Taylor Swift Being Time’s Person of the Year

Perhaps it’s because I woke up sick again this morning, a week after my cold ended. Maybe it’s just that I’m impatient with willful ignorance. It’s certainly not because I’m a Swiftie. But I am fed the fuck up about everyone hating on Taylor Swift and her winning Time&r...

Dark Times at a White Institution

After high school, I planned to take the full scholarship I earned and head to a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). I had been accepted to five schools that would send me south after graduation. I changed my mind in the last hour because I was afraid to be far from home. I had only tra...

Is Time Travel Even Possible?

Have you ever dreamed of traveling through time, like characters do in science fiction movies? For centuries, the concept of time travel has captivated people’s imaginations. Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time, just like you move between different places. In ...

Giving Thanks in Turbulent Times

A largely effective Medicaid renewal program: Earlier this year, I wrote about what’s known as the “Medicaid unwinding” — the rollback of a pandemic-era policy that prohibited states from terminating Medicaid enrollees’ health insurance. The expiration of that poli...

Ancient Wisdom: Timeless Advice For Modern Times

I’m a self-proclaimed nerd. Tell me you found a quote from ancient China, and soon you’ll hear the squeak of my chair as I move forward. Now I’m not saying having an interest in ancient quotes and wisdom makes you nerdy, but what I’m saying is when you’re at the...