Two times I had a kick up the arse.

<p>We all have had those chats with people about things that you should be doing. But do you take action? The chats that I&rsquo;m going to talk about are few and far between for me. I&rsquo;ve only had two chats like this since I was 18.&nbsp;What I am going to describe are two passing conversations that changed my life.&nbsp;Something in them made me stand up and take notice.</p> <p>My first experience with this was when I was 18, I had recently left school after finishing my A-levels. I was at the dentist having a routine check up and I had my uniform on from the supermarket I was working in. The dentist made conversation with me and was asking me what I was up to now that I&rsquo;d left school. I told him I was working in a supermarket full time and that I wasn&rsquo;t sure what I wanted to do with my life. I don&rsquo;t remember exactly what he said but it was something along the lines of &lsquo;What are you doing?! If I was young I would want to get out of this town, going travelling and see the world.&rsquo;</p> <p>Now I&rsquo;m sure we&rsquo;ve all had lectures like this before but at the time I don&rsquo;t think I&rsquo;d had someone be that direct with me.&nbsp;<strong><em>I</em></strong>&nbsp;could go travelling,&nbsp;<strong><em>I</em></strong>&nbsp;could change my life. The next day I called the art college that I wanted to go to and managed to get a clearing interview there. It all happened pretty fast, I think from having the conversation with the dentist to the first day on the course the timeframe for that was about 2 weeks. When I was offered a place on the course there, I was so surprised. That course changed my life and if it wasn&rsquo;t for talking to my dentist I might have never done it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Times arse