At times, it is parenting

<p>The other day I was mentoring a young person (to me, that&rsquo;s anyone under the age of 40) about sucking it up and taking it on the chin.</p> <p>You see, this person had made a mistake. A pretty big one. One that cost the company over $200,000. Yes, it was a billion dollar company, but, to me, who has worked in billion dollar companies and been lucky to get a $200K budget, the amount was important.</p> <p>The issue was that this person was looking for a way to minimize the blame, on himself.</p> <p>He was that young. Someone brought up where feelings were more important than actions. Where everyone was a winner and no one could do wrong. He had been skating along so far in his career and hadn&rsquo;t faced something that had consequences.</p> <p><em>You may be asking &ldquo;why am I mentoring someone so young?&rdquo;. Because I will help anyone, no matter the age. I have been there and done that. If someone wants to learn and grow, I will do everything in my power to help them.</em></p> <p>He had no idea what to do &mdash; besides try and pass the buck.</p> <p>I walked him through what &ldquo;passing the buck&rdquo; meant. Who was he going to blame and what would be the consequences of him doing that to someone else? What if it worked out and he destroyed someone else? What if he was caught doing this?</p> <p>I then asked him what would happen if he &ldquo;owned&rdquo; it, what would happen. He could be reprimanded. He could lose his job. He could lose respect.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>