The New York Times vs. ChatGPT: A Battle for the Future of News and Words

<p>The news just got a whole lot more meta &mdash; The New York Times (NYT), that grand dame of journalism, has thrown down the gauntlet against OpenAI and Microsoft, accusing their chatty chatbot, ChatGPT, of a digital sleight of hand: poaching millions of NYT articles without permission to train its AI prowess.</p> <p>Imagine pouring your heart into a Pulitzer-worthy expose, only to find its key points regurgitated by a robot masquerading as a conversationalist. That&rsquo;s the sting the NYT feels, alleging ChatGPT is less a brilliant AI mind and more a clever plagiarizer, building its own knowledge palace on the foundation of stolen bricks from the NYT&rsquo;s journalistic fortress.</p> <p>But this isn&rsquo;t just a matter of hurt feelings. The NYT is aiming high, demanding billions in damages and the demolition of any AI model built with their repurposed content. Talk about rewriting the rules of the game!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>