Tag: Terrible

15 Terrible Advice for Web Developers

Medium is full of useful articles and great advice to create robust and maintainable applications. But what If you don't like your colleagues and want to ruin their day? Then worry no more. I’m great at giving bad advice and came up with 15 tips to cause frustration and waste everyone'...

Why modern dating is terrible

Earlier this year, I wrote a long post about dating, but truth be said, modern-day dating in the developed world is terrible, especially if you’re looking for something serious and long-term. Statistics don’t lie. The average age of marriage has risen to over 30 in most deve...

The Most Terrible Poverty Is Loneliness

The hardest part about moving from California to Nevada was springing the news on my elderly mother. I worried that it would be a tough sell. Mom liked her assisted living community, even though their services were getting expensive and her advanced Parkinson’s disease would soon require a ...

10 Terrible “Wisdoms” About Love — and How to Counter Them

Happy ever after, anyone? Where would romance be without a good cliché? Love was built on clichés, those timeless “wisdoms” passed down through the ages — and had life breathed into them by social media. I get it. Clichés are catchy. They sell. There&r...

Life Is So Terrible and Beautiful at the Same Time

There’s an elderly gentleman who works at the local pharmacy store. He’s bent over and moves slowly. His hair is uncombed and a dull vacancy lurks in his eyes. He’s always there so he must need the money. His sadness is contagious. I try to say something kind or friendly t...

Angela V Harris Of 2638 Management Group: 5 Lessons I Learned From an Amazing Or Terrible Boss

Leadership shapes us in ways we often don’t fully recognize until later in our lives. Good bosses can inspire, motivate, and foster growth, while difficult bosses can teach resilience, grit, and patience. Both experiences are equally valuable in molding our professional journey. Every leader b...

5 Terrible Ways Leaders Try and Fail to Build Trust

Trust is a powerful currency. For leaders, it helps cement relationships, form group bonds, and smooth operations. According to a study in Harvard Business Review, people in high trust companies report: 74% less stress, 106% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity...

The Terrible Experiment

And everything I did to try to improve it made it worse, until I had created a big mess. I wanted to tear it up and start over. I wanted to hide my terrible mess. No one would be the wiser if I just excluded it.If left it out, I would save myself from embarrassment. I saw Asteroid City last night...

Diablo IV’s Cramped Camera Zoom is A Terrible Design Choice

Isometric action RPGs often use fully fixed camera perspectives, a design element dating all the way back to Diablo and other classic isometric games. The fixed perspective gives the development team exact parameters to craft every other piece of the game around. When you know what area th...

2023 DevOps is terrible.

What is DevOps? If you are reading this post you already know it but for those in the back who don’t: DevOps is a culture, a movement, a philosophy if you will; that aims to foster collaboration during the Software Development Life Cycle. DevOps is not a role or a s...

Los Angeles is a Terrible City

I lived in Los Angeles for several years, having moved there from upstate New York. The summer after I graduated university I was in that familiar post-grad crisis stage of “what am I going to do with my life?” and decided to jump on a plane bound for sunny SoCal to pursue a dream of fil...

Short staffing is a result of terrible management

As a blind customer, I walked into the King Soopers yesterday, located at at 1725 Sheridan boulevard, Edgewater, Colorado 80214, at around approximately 7:00 a.m. I have shopped at this King Soopers store on a number of occasions. Usually, I am able to get someone to help me, however this time was d...

Kicking Trump Off the Ballot Is A Terrible Idea

If you missed the news, the Colorado Supreme Court removed Donald Trump from the GOP presidential primary ballot on the grounds that, “[a] majority of the court holds that Trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.” (That&r...

A Terrible Example

First, I start with my white foundation. With a broad brush, I apply the foundation on my face, making sure to completely cover my skin. Next, I move to the eyes, applying a bit of blue eyeshadow on my eyelids. A black pencil to outline them. With red paint and a small brush, I paint my nose. Usi...

3 Terrible Things Ivan the Terrible Did

The Russian ruler Ivan the Terrible was the first Tsar of Russia. He is a very important figure in Russian history. Ivan is credited for the modern geographic presence of Russia. He was the one who occupied and incorporated most of Siberia into Russia. Ivan became the ruler of Russia at age of th...

Terrible English tips from social media: part one

It’s not hard to find teachers and coursebooks offering horrible advice on how to speak better English. Made up rules about “conditional forms” are everywhere. Your grammar book has too many chapters about the present perfect. People tell you to use hyper-formal phrases like &ldquo...