Angela V Harris Of 2638 Management Group: 5 Lessons I Learned From an Amazing Or Terrible Boss

<p>L<em>eadership shapes us in ways we often don&rsquo;t fully recognize until later in our lives. Good bosses can inspire, motivate, and foster growth, while difficult bosses can teach resilience, grit, and patience. Both experiences are equally valuable in molding our professional journey. Every leader brings their own set of strengths, weaknesses, and lessons. Whether you&rsquo;ve had the privilege of working under a phenomenal leader or faced challenges with a less-than-supportive boss, there are undoubtedly lessons that have left a lasting impression. In this interview series, we are talking to entrepreneurs, business leaders, industry professionals, and anyone with a compelling story to share about the lessons they&rsquo;ve learned from either a remarkable or challenging boss. As a part of this interview series, we had the pleasure of interviewing&nbsp;</em><strong><em>Angela V. Harris</em></strong><em>.</em></p> <p><em>Angela V. Harris is a Certified Leadership Coach, Visionary Leader, and Philanthropist with over twenty years of business experience in Fortune 500 companies. In her coaching practice, Angela helps clients strategically navigate the corporate landscape so they can be seen, feel valued, and get promoted. Her intuitive approach brings clarity, direction, and positive support to her clients. She has a proven track record of success in coaching individuals to improve their performance, build their skills, and drive success for themselves and their organizations. A native of Washington, D.C., Angela holds an M.S. degree in Information Technology Leadership from La Salle University and a B.S. degree in Information Systems from Drexel University. Angela is a lifelong learner committed to personal and professional development. She completed coach training at the world&rsquo;s leading coaching school iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching), an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited</em>&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Terrible Boss