Tag: term

3 Alternatives to Saving for Retirement in a 401(k)

Not everyone has access to a 401(k) account. Luckily, you can still save for retirement through a variety of tax-advantaged vehicles that enable you to build long-term wealth. For example, you can open what’s known as an individual retirement account (IRA) from a number of financial firms. ...

What is “Crazy?”: Unpacking the Complex Nature of a Multifaceted Term

The term “crazy” permeates everyday conversation yet remains elusive, used to describe an array behaviors, ideas, or situations. Exploring its depths reveals complexity beyond dictionary definitions. What truly constitutes being “crazy,” and how do social perceptions shape th...

All Lives Matter is a Bogus Term

Itwent away for awhile, but I started seeing commenters and others using the term All Lives Matter again, and I wanted to write about it. When a white person uses the slogan, All Lives Matter, it is usually a right-wing Christian or white Conservative who feels insulted black Americans are standing ...

Why I Dislike the Term “White Privilege”

In the first place, the term implies that the problem is that white people have privileges that others do not have. In situations in which an individual enjoys an unfair privilege, there can be only two solutions. The first of which is that the individual enjoying the privilege must give it up, eith...

The Term Allah in Context

The term “Allah” carries profound significance within interfaith dialogues, particularly between Christian missionary efforts and Islamic beliefs. Discussions around the appropriateness of using “Allah” in Christian translations and the refutation of misconceptions, such as t...

Is “Non-native English Speaker” an Offensive Term?​

If English isn’t your first language, do you get offended if someone calls you a “non-native English speaker”? Is “non-native English speaker” a derogatory term? Some teachers think it is. I believe it’s not. I define myself as an English non-native speaker all...