All Lives Matter is a Bogus Term

<p>Itwent away for awhile, but I started seeing commenters and others using the term All Lives Matter again, and I wanted to write about it. When a white person uses the slogan, All Lives Matter, it is usually a right-wing Christian or white Conservative who feels insulted black Americans are standing for their own without asking permission of white oriented social standards. The term all lives matter does not take a side, and chides black people for being specific to their cause.</p> <p>The slogan, &ldquo;Black Lives Matter, &ldquo; is an extension of, &ldquo;I am a Man, &ldquo; Black is Beautiful,&rdquo; and &ldquo;Black Power,&rdquo; among other slogans that have been important to black people who were fighting for civil rights. It is a black American term that can be supported by white and other allies, but it has nothing to do with white people. Black Lives Matter is one hundred percent from black Americans to stand in solidarity with other black Americans protesting those who were murdered by racist, while much of white America showed indifference.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bogus term