Why I Dislike the Term “White Privilege”

<p>In the first place, the term implies that the problem is that white people have privileges that others do not have. In situations in which an individual enjoys an unfair privilege, there can be only two solutions. The first of which is that the individual enjoying the privilege must give it up, either willingly or by force. White people who enjoy privilege will not give it up willingly. No group which enjoys privilege will ever willingly opt to share this privilege out of the kindness of their hearts. History demonstrates that African people have had to fight and struggle for the progress that we have made in combating racism precisely because racists do not give up the benefits of racism without a fight. Since racists do not give up privilege willingly, they must be forced to give it up. This implies some sort of struggle, but &mdash; as I explain in more detail shortly &mdash; struggling against privilege isn&rsquo;t a very useful way to struggle because privilege is too vague.</p> <p><a href="https://dwomowale.medium.com/why-i-dislike-the-term-white-privilege-e100cb9dabb8"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: term implies